Thursday, March 4, 2010

Life's Lessons

I have learned a few lessons and just had some random thought this week that I think will help me throughout my life:
  1. Murphy should never be allowed to make up laws
  2. When I worry about money, I will be tested about money
  3. A bladder infection gone untreated turns into something much, much worse
  4. You know when you get that new insurance card and your deductible goes up and you think to yourself, man I hope nothing big happens, that is a high deductible!! ??? Guess what? You can blow through that in one day!
  5. Just because the stuff they make you drink before a CT scan is called "Berry Smoothie" does not mean it tastes like a berry smoothie
  6. When you ask if there will be side effects from the CT contrast and the tech tells you 'no', she lies.
  7. Naming a kidney stone Fava does make it funnier, but not less painful
  8. Golf balls are awesome outside ones body, not in the form of cysts
  9. Sometimes taxes suck for the single girl with no kids who is not a home owner
  10. The week you find out you owe lots of taxes will be the same week you get a love letter from the IRS telling you that you might owe more
  11. The week you have a big project at work that makes you work tons and tons of over time that you do not get paid extra for is the week your body will shut down
  12. When I am asked for a quote to be broken up into specific specification sections, I need to verify if they really mean it, or if they just want the big stuff broken out from the small stuff so I do not waste 13 hours
  13. Remember my post about tone? The funny thing for me has been that this week ... man this week it has been really hard to remember to watch my tone. But I have not had to watch my language!!
  14. Sometimes a week, or month, seems rather harder than others; those weeks when it all seems to hit at once. Well during those weeks two magical words will make people be nice to you: kidney infection
  15. The Turner Classic Movie channel plays really cool old movies 31 days before the Oscars; two words: Ti. Vo.
  16. Finding a really good teaching partner is important because the two of you can really compliment each other's teaching style
Those were not all of the lessons and/or thoughts, but they were the major ones this week so far!


Preds Girl said...

I laughed out loud several times while reading this post. LOL. So sorry you've had a rough month! Hope you feel better soon.

Don't drink anymore berry smoothies!

Jenny said...

I wish I had something funny or witty to say but I am so excited to have found you that I am at a loss for words.

It is always fun to stumble upon a dear pal...Here is how it happened...

My cousin Heather married Paris who in friends with Barry who is the brother of the funniest girl on the planet.

I can't wait to be tuned into your world.

Jenny (Reimann) Fischer

(email me at if you would like an invite to my blog.)

jkribbit said...

Oh. My. Goodness. Are you ok?! So, I'm feeling rather dumb about the email I just sent you on FB - because I had no idea that you were having a week. What can I do to help?!?! Lots of love! <3