Friday, March 19, 2010


Can we talk for a moment about eggs? I really do love them. I do. I am not much of a hot breakfast person since I am allergic to pork I cannot eat a lot of hot breakfast items. But I do loves me some pancakes/waffles and eggs. Although if you are looking for good recommendations on facon (turkey bacon) or fausage (soy sausage) I have done my homework. I also love hash browns, but cannot make them on my own. In a restaurant I have to be careful because they sometimes cook them in bacon fat.

Until recently I always had my eggs scrambled. A little while ago I decided I did not know why I liked scrambled eggs and that I needed to make informed decisions about this food. I have now tried them all. Well maybe not all types of egg, there are a lot of things that can be done with the egg. But now I do know that I do not like eggs over hard or medium. I also do not like eggs sunny side up unless the white is fully cooked. I do, however, like over easy and soft boiled. I did not think I would, to be honest. I have never really loved hard boiled egg yolks (that is unless it is made into a deviled egg, yum), but have always loved the hard boiled whites. Mom taught me how to make soft boiled eggs and toast Tuesday morning and I LOVED THEM. I think it is my new favorite way to eat eggs. I still like scrambled and liked one of the poached eggs I had. The other one was soggy! One day I will master the poached egg. I also love a good omelet with veggies!

Did I miss a kind? How do you eat your eggs? Keep in mind that I cannot eat pork, and have fried an egg in olive oil... hm... not so much. Now if we could just invent an egg substitute with no cholesterol that cooked like a real egg and not only scrambled... ah the possibilities!


Candice J said...

Benedict. I love Eggs Benedict. The most fattening way to eat eggs. Yum!! I also love over-easy eggs on toast. Then you can wipe the yokes up with the toast. Yum!

Unknown said...

my prefered way is scrambled with a little salsa and maybe some cheese wraped in a tortilla. pretty yummy.

Preds Girl said...

It would be helpful if I gave you the link...


Preds Girl said...

Check out my relief society's blog post about eggs. There are two recipes that are TO DIE FOR!!! The one called "Golden Rod Eggs" sounds NASTY, but it is sooooooooo good!

And, in the first recipe listed, you can switch out the sausage for the faux sausage.


Rach said...

Eggs-in-a-basket AKA toad-in-a-hole AKA gaslight eggs. I love the way the bread gets toasted in the frying pan. It's so much better than in the toaster. My kids love when I cute the "hole" with a gingerbread man cookie cutter. Then, we can eat the arms and legs and head of the toast.

Caroline said...

I also like Cadbury Creme eggs.