Tuesday, July 22, 2008

If you had to choose

So I am a fan of the tv show Psych on the USA network. This week Shawn (played by the dreamy James Roday) was hiding in his old room and found a lot of cool things from his childhood: a Furby,shrinky dinks, and an old magazine. Which made me wonder if I could only play with one thing from my childhood, which would it be. I pose the question to you, for scientific fun:

As a child would you rather have played on the Slip 'n Slide or with Shrinky Dinks?

As an adult would you rather play on the Slip 'n Slide or with Shrinky Dinks?

Don't know what either of these are? You might not be a child of the 80's!


Stephanie said...

Oohh... tough choice!
Well, since we own a shrinky-dink, I guess I'd have to say that is the winner!

Erica said...

Oooo, slip-n-slide all the way! :^)

Colleen said...

kid - slip-n-slide
adult-ish - shrinky dinks, since I use them sometimes when I scrapbook anyway, and water fun isn't my best idea of fun.

Candice J said...

Just because I'm not coordinated enough to do a slip and slide (I always go into the grass rather then to the end) I'd pick the Shrinky Dinks.

Mother of Four said...

When I was little we never had either of those. We would try and make our our slip-n-slide out of the plastic garbage bags. I feel so deprived :( just kiddin'. As an adult, I'd rather do the shrinky dinks because it is something I could do with me kids.

Miss Megan said...

As a kids I didn't see the appeal in shrinky dinks, and as an adult I still prefer the slip-n-slide. A chance to have a pretend water park in my backyard? Oh yeah!!

Although, I might want to go with a third option now, which is to watch Psych. Man, that show is funny!

This Place is a Disaster! said...

as a child I felt disgusting running down the grass bouncing my big fat 50 lb but down the lawn to drop and slide, can you imagine my 170 lb body now! I'll take the dinks thanks!
besides my mom would kill me if she found out i was even out in the sun.