Tuesday, July 15, 2008


So I had a nice long vaca weekend, awesome girl's weekend away with Candice. And now I am working to get caught up from it (is it a vacation when it takes 7-1/2 hours of over time to get an 8 hour day off?) Anyway I find I am easily distracted today and I think it is my music. I was listening to things with words, and just switched to Lord of the Rings... no words and I am concentrating better now. SO give me some GREAT suggestions of music you listen to with no words that is calming and soothing. I would love to get some more downloaded on iTunes for just such a day!


Miss Megan said...

The three Lord of the Rings movies are probably my favorite soundtracks because they are so soothing. I also like the Serenity soundtrack, but it isn't very long. I love Master and Commander, but it stresses me out a bit (that is an intense movie). Oh! Harry Potter soundtracks are alll good. I'm partial to the Prizoner of Azkaban and the Order of the Phoenix (though I only own POA).

I should stop now... good luck staying focused! Always takes me a few days to feel like I'm back at work.

Lish said...

Instead of downloading to Itunes have you ever tried out Pandora.com? You can create your own radio stations, and they have all sorts of genre and it's pretty cool.

Oh and yes I am getting married in one month and 7 DAYS!!!!

Erica said...

Hum...what kinds of music do you like? For things like that I enjoy some Jim Brickman (piano - new ageish) or once in a while some Enya. What about hymns/classical? There is a CD I have that is an AWESOME combination of both. It's by David Glen Hatch (whom I'm not always fond of) and called "The Master's Touch." He did arrangements of popular hymns each in the style of a different classical (using the term loosly) composer. I've really enjoyed it. I like a lot of Jenny Oaks Baker's violin music as well.

Anyway, this may not be anything like what you were thinking of, but there ya go. You get what you pay for. ;^)

Rach said...

My absolute favorite no-words CD is called "Plains" by George Wintson. He has a lot of other CD's, but this one takes the cake.

jkribbit said...

I would also add the soundtrack to Narnia 2: Prince Caspian. Good stuff!

And of course I'm a classical freak. Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Mozart, etc, etc, etc... I have a ton of CDs if you'd like to borrow any to try out...

Good luck!