Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Growing Pains

My new favorite phrase is "I am growing as a person." I use it a lot lately. Those who know me well will know that I am some what set in my ways and like things done a certain way. I also seem to be allergic to pink and frilly things.

One of my rules for Birdie was that no one got to wear pink (although I had many people break said rule) on stage. I was going to allow Rosie and Kim one pink outfit each. I just do not like pink. I do not like that our society has really over emphasized the colors to specific genders. Like when my nieces were born they were given an over abundance of pink clothes. (Their closets look like pepto bismal exploded) Why can a girl not wear blue, green, or brown clothes? Also why are little boys not given pinks or purples? See this is my point. Now I know that my not allowing pink on stage is not going to change the world but it was my way of taking a small stand. Ineffective as it might be, at least I stood for something. During the run of the show the darling Maag family gave us all bracelets that they had made. In an effort to show that I am not a color-ist (like a racist of every day colors) I took an all pink one. It burned a little at first but came in handy closing night when my Emily and I were both falling asleep at Denny’s... that is a story for another day. Taking an all pink bracelet … I am growing as a person.

Then yesterday Candice and I had a date for her anniversary because her beloved husband has a class on Monday night. So we went to get pedicures and out to dinner (yum!) While we were sitting in the pedi chairs I thought it would be fun to have her pick my color and visa versa. I knew what I wanted to pick for her, she objected (yes Candice I know you needed something more opaque) so I decided that I would do what ever she chose, even pink. Lucky for me she chose a shade close to what I would pick: Boris and Natasha (from the OPI Russian collection.) And then… she added white daisies. I am growing as a person.

What is next? Who knows, I might vote for a Republican this election... one never knows!!


Miss Megan said...

Want to know something wierd? Up until about 100 years ago, boys wore pink and red and girls wore blue. Red was seen as more manly because it was so vibrant, and blue feminine because it's more sedate. I don't know what changed, but there sure is a stigma involved now.

Also, sometimes the only way people can tell a baby is a boy or girl is the color of the clothes they're wearing...

You probably didn't want a rebuttle. I love you just the way you are, Steph! Feel free to grow, but don't change in essentials :o)

emily, etc, etc said...

Just for the record - my sweater was salmon; not pink (as was my apron...). I know I broke the rule, but I am just that kind of girl and I can't lay off the pink overnight. That would be like trying to eat the whole elephant. It takes baby steps.

Oh, and "grow from love..."

Stephanie said...

Kenzie only had two pink outfits as a baby: my favorite one she had was brown.
My boys have both worn (and loved!) purple.

We love you just like you are!

Rach said...

I recently talked my husband into buying a pink dress shirt. And he likes it!
I do like pink, I admit it.