Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A blast from the past

Raise your hand if you remember the Rubik’s Cube as a kid. Anybody who is a product of the 80's should (yes I know being born in ’76 does not make me a product of the 80’s.) As a kid we had one, to share, as a family. I am sure that Everett could solve it naturally and frankly the rest of us just peeled off the stickers and put them where we wanted them.

This weekend Barry brought one to play with and got VERY good at it. He can solve it in 3 minutes... like Will Smith only employed and not in the back of a cab he gets stuck with the fare for. Anyway, I digress. So he messed it up and had me try to solve it giving me instructions on how to do it. I managed after 4 hours to get it done. We’re so proud. (He called me his young padawan, I might not be a geek, but I am a padawan) Now Barry was with me step by step… the big test is now seeing if I can do it on my own. I bought one yesterday and messed it up, as shown above. I am determined to do it on my own… so you might get sick of the Rubik’s Cube blogs, but I shall keep you updated. Oh yes I shall… for I will conquer the Rubik’s and take you on the journey with me!

For the record when the leg warmers come back, I boycott!


Erica said...

I have a story. When the missionaries were teaching me the lessons (I had just turned 8...long story for another day) one of them could do the rubiks cube. It was awesome. He even showed me how to undo it a little and then get it back. As was bound to happen, one day I undid it a litte too much and could never get it back. I've NEVER been able to do it on my own. Good luck and I look forward to seeing your progress!

Stephanie said...

How totally radical in a far out kind of way!
Not only do I remember them, but I have one. I have never successfully solved it.
Oh, and I'll join your boycott of legwarmers!

Rach said...

I think any sane person will join your boycott of legwarmers (as Stephanie mentioned above!)