Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mind Clearing Rants

I have had some things on my mind recently, and feel the need now to clear it. This blog is my pensieve… I might be reading Harry Potter again…

Rant the First
Dude who was in the car next to mine this morning was smoking. While I find this a super nasty habit and cannot believe that people still smoke, I do believe he has the right to kill himself slowly if he so chooses. However, as a person with asthma who gets sick around smoke, I dislike this nasty habit greatly. I do take great umbrage, though, when this dude felt it was okay not only to flick his cig butt out the car window, but he did it so vehemently that it hit my car and missed coming in my open window by mere centimeters. Dude has no right to do this with a lit cig butt. “Keep your trash in your car, not mine. The world is not your ashtray.”

Rant the Second
State of Utah why do you have a law that you have no intention of enforcing until someone flaunts in on national television? Polygamy is against the law but is not enforced unless there are other circumstances associated with the case. That is until the polygamous family is dumb enough to go on a reality tv show and tell the world all about it. Leaving my moral judgment aside I have a judicial point of view on this. I do believe that people who break the law should face the consequences of their actions. Their actions might not be hurting anyone, fine, but their actions are against the law in the State of Utah. Polygamists, if you do not want to live by the law, lobby to have it repealed. State of Utah if you are going to have a law, then enforce it. Sure there are really bad people out there who break laws that hurt other people, I understand this, but enforce laws equally.

Rant the Last
This is a touchy situation for some. I do not pretend that I am an authority on this subject, but this is my blog and my opinion. Can someone tell me in words that will make sense why people are so riled up about a religious organization wanting to build a place to worship? I am talking, of course, about the proposed mosque in Manhattan. Some call this the Mosque at Ground Zero; however it is 2 blocks away from those buildings. Now I understand why some might feel it is a bad idea, I understand why some think it is a great idea. I personally think it is a religious place of worship and do not think the location matters. I do not believe it is an insult to the memory of those who have suffered or those who died in the September 11 attacks to build a mosque close to the World Trade Center. I do not get it. Are you telling me that not a single peaceful, actively practicing Muslim was killed in those attacks? The terrorists who perpetrated this gross attack were not following the teachings of the Muslim religion or they never would have done it. These people were radical extremist and terrorists. Saying that all Muslims are terrorists is like saying polygamists are Mormon. It is just not true. I believe these protests are religious persecution and it is discrimination. Would the argument be the same if the Catholic Church wanted to build a Cathedral or the Jews a Synagogue? I doubt it. So why the fight over a Muslim Mosque? Every religion has crazies, it does not make the whole religion crazy. What is next? Because there are allegations of priest misconduct toward young men in the Catholic Church, no Catholic churches can be built in the vicinity of schools? That just is counterproductive and I think these protests are too.


This Place is a Disaster! said...

I think its very interesting that the law says that something should be done about the Browns, but if they were not married and still living together as a big family of sleeping together tramps there would be no problem! It would in fact be defended as "Modern Family," so to speak.

Candice J said...

I wish to subscribe to your newsletter. :)

Peggy said...

Word. Nuff said.

Caroline said...

Meow! :)