Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Chaz and Miranda

I have had a surgery before similar to the one I had Thursday; in 1997 I had a lapro surgery to get rid of some endometriosis that has been plaguing me for some time. The surgery hurt, the recovery was a bit bad, but I felt so much better when it was all done.

Well Thursday I was overall pretty calm about the whole thing. I was excited there was an end in sight. My biggest fear, honestly, was the Dr R was going to get inside and see that nothing was wrong with The Chaz (my gall bladder) and just close up shop. The Chaz and I have been fighting since February. I have had a CT scan, 2 ultra sounds, 2 x-rays, and a HIDA scan that all came back normal. NOTHING WAS WRONG WITH ME! Except that every time I ate anything I got sick to my stomach, I had a constant pain in my side, and there were other side affects that are not appropriate to talk about on ones blog. Even though the tests all came back normal I knew something was wrong. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, and I could not take it any more. Well I had visits with 4 doctors before one of them said that it sounded like my gall bladder was not functioning right even though the test indicated it was.

When Dr R looked inside she could not even see The Chaz at first. The Chaz was hidden behind so much scar tissue and other adhesions. This is why it hurt. The Chaz (back up, maybe I should explain now that Chaz is not a good enough name for my old gall bladder... it now is The Chaz because it seems to fit a bit more now!) did not look right; The Chaz had to go! Endometriosis causes organs sometimes to adhere to other organs in an attempt for the body to "cure" itself. While Dr R did not see any endo lesions (hurray for small miracles!) it is very likely that this is the cause of my adhesions. So Dr R cleaned out the adhesions and scar tissue, took The Chaz out, made sure everything else looked fine (my appendix, etc.) and closed me up.

The staff that worked with Dr R were incredible. So I walk into the OR, and I suddenly get nervous. I mean really nervous. Dr R came over and held my hand until I went under. She really is a great surgeon. She listened to every concern I had and told me my options, gave her opinion, and then fixed me! I would recommend this general surgeon to anyone who needed one. So why am I not using her name then? Well I do not have her permission to do so but if you needed me to tell you personally who she is I would be happy to.

So the Miranda part of this post. Who is Miranda? Now that we all know who The Chaz is... meet Miranda. If you have not see the movie Serenity, please see it. I mean come on, space cowboys!! The character River has a bit of a freak out moment and is triggered to remember a code word deeply embedded in her subconscious: Miranda. I shall not ruin the punchline and tell you who or what Miranda is, but rather the funny line that leads us to why Miranda is pertinent now. After this freak out that River has, her brother Simon, thinking Miranda might be an alter ego of River's says, "Am I talking to Miranda now?" At which point River gives the most classic "Are you kidding me Big Brother?" look. Well narcotics do funny things to me. One night I had taken some meds for pain and Besty looked at me and said "Am I talking to Miranda now?" This post today is brought to you by Miranda and the memory of The Chaz and the letter H.

I can eat and not feel super sick (except for last night because I think I ate too much at the yummy BBQ we had.) I know what was wrong with me is now fixed. My abdomen is sore, understatement of the year, and my back hurts because it is working a bit harder now that I cannot move my core!! But I feel better. I instantly felt better! The Chaz had to go!! Miranda can stay for a few days, mostly because I cannot believe how much I actually hurt after doing small things like taking a shower, and then once she is gone I know I will be fine. There is an update on The Chaz and Miranda, now I think I deserve a small nap or maybe some ice cream! :)


Amy Maida Wadsworth said...

Thanks for the update, Miranda! So glad you're feeling better! What kind of ice cream?

Preds Girl said...

Hooray! So happy it all worked out!

Wendy said...

Thank you!! You inadvertently helped solve a mystery for me... I've been trying to think of the Firefly movie for a week or so -- Serenity! Thanks for that. Glad you're feeling better.

Caroline said...

Sorry you were sick after the bbq. It was insanely delicious! Feel better soon!