Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Afternoon Nap

I do not think I gave enough credit to my Kindergarten teacher with her blue mats, graham crackers, and milk cartons while I was in Kindergarten. In fact when I was younger I sometimes fought against nap time. WHAT WAS I THINKING??

Today has been a rough day overall. So at lunch time I went to get some chicken (one of the safe foods right now) and then pulled my car to the back of our parking lot. Opened the windows and laid my seat back. What a glorious nap!! I wish I could go back and tell Kindergarten Steph to stop raging against the nap machine! There comes a day when we want the blue mat, graham cracker, and milk carton again!

1 comment:

Amy Maida Wadsworth said...

Amen! I love naps! Sleep is my friend.