Thursday, September 9, 2010

Farewell Chaz

Downtown wins!! I think it is hilarious to name my gall bladder Chaz. So farewell Chaz, I hardly knew ye... I doubt I will miss ye!

The story of Chaz: Remember Charles in Charge from the late 80's? When Charles bumps his head he turns into Chaz... his evil counter part. I loved this character!! So when I was trying to come up with a nickname for Downtown, 'Chaz' was my first suggestion. She did not think it was funny, not a fan I guess!! So now my gall bladder which is making my life a living (fill in any bad word here) is now my evil twin named Chaz and will be removed today. So farewell Chaz! When he is gone I hope to be able to eat food without getting sick. When he is gone I hope to be able to live my life not in constant side and back pain. When he is gone I am going to have a tomato sandwich! When he is gone I will be off of pain and nausea meds on a daily basis. If I could write a song about my Chaz, it would be something like the Dixie Chicks song Goodbye, Earl! Because Chaz has GOT TO GO!!!

1 comment:

Preds Girl said...

Hooray! Chaz is the winner!

Good luck today!