Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What's in a Name?

I have had many nicknames in my life... some were nice, some were not so nice. So when a friend of mine asked for a nickname, it was harder than I thought to come up with one! I came up with one I thought was funny, she thought was rude. I came up with one that was just stupid... it was stupid. Then we sat down to eat and it hit me!! She is now "Downtown!" She asked why... there is no reason why. I like the nicknames where there is no reason for the name. Squitch, there is no reason for her nickname. Sissy, no reason for hers either. And Downtown there is no reason for the name other than it made her laugh when I said it. So now Lindsay, I officially bequeath you: DOWNTOWN!

Names are important. I did not really know how much until recently mine was changed for me without my knowing. It is a small thing, but it made me really think about what is in a name. The name my parents gave me is mine, my very own, and one of the only true possessions I have in this life. I was born Stephanie Johnson. I was not given a middle name (if I could choose it would be Anne.) I have had this name now for 34-1/2 years, and it kind of has grown on me. I have had people call me Starbuck, Olga (don't ask!), Sister, and Steph to name a few. And I like these nicknames, I really do (mostly Steph.) But my given name was a gift my parents gave me. I was named after someone my mother loved in her youth. If ever I get married and my name changes it will be something my husband gives me as well but will be my choice to change. My name is part of who I am, and I am proud of it.

My Uncle Tim's real name was Ray Lewis Parker. He was a big kid and they called him Tiny Tim. The Tim part of that name finally stuck. My Grams went to parent teacher conference one year and said she was Ray Lewis' mom. The teacher told her she did not have a Ray Lewis Parker, but had a Tim Parker in her class. To this day we do not talk about Uncle Ray, we talk about Uncle Tim. I never met him, he was in a swimming accident and passed away before I was born. But his name lives on in a nephew and grandson (both named Tim, not Ray.)

Shakespeare said "What's in a name? That which we call a rose By by any other name would smell as sweet." Giving a nickname might not change the make-up of a person, or an object, but I do believe it is an awesome responsibility not to be taken lightly. And always, always should be done with the express permission of the person.


Miss Megan said...

"Names are important. I did not really know how much until recently mine was changed for me without my knowing."
Someone changed your name? To what? Do you just mean because you were called Starbuck during Joseph? I never could remember to do that... you'll always be Stephanie or Steph to me!

Steph said...

Nah, I do not mind Starbuck at all! Like I said, nicknames are something different. You know how we call you Megs? Just a nickname. What I was talking about is if I had decided to change your name from Smyth to Smith... you know?

Preds Girl said...

LOL. Thanks for the nickname, Steph! The way you said it made me laugh so hard, you're right! hahaha. Only you can say it correctly, though. Too funny! And PS, I don't have a middle name either.