Wednesday, September 9, 2009


After my heavy post yesterday I figured I should lighten things up around here… mostly because there is another heavy post coming once I get the pics off my camera.

Random #1
We were hoping my sister’s in-utero baby ‘The Twins’ would have been born today because the little girls in our family to this point have been born on numerically cool days: Sissy (what I will now be calling Ains) was born 12-12; LoMo was born 5-5; so if The Twins came today 9-9 that would have been cool… but alas. LB, a boy, was born 5-21. The Twins are not really twin babies, but rather there is one girl. Sister was so convinced she was having twins that we started calling her baby The Twins. Then of course since I make up names for the trimesters she was Cain & Abel, Pam & Jim, and Laverne & Shirley. What does this have to do with anything? It doesn’t other than I think The Twins need to come out and play very soon (like today) so Sister can be a little less miserable. However I must say that Sister is a pretty awesome pregnant woman who fought for the right to wear non-dress code shoes to work since she only has one pair of shoes that will fit her feet. Bless her!

Random #2
I am getting pretty excited for the new fall television season to start. Glee is scheduled for tonight. Most of the rest of the shows will start after The Emmy’s on the 20th. Now I need to set my bicycle back up on my indoor trainer so I am allowed to watch some shows.

Random #3
Besty and I have our own version of the Bro Code now… the FF Code. I would like to tell you what it is, but you will just have to wait for the book! LOL

Random #4
I got this email yesterday with a bunch of random thoughts for the day that made me laugh. Here is one of those thoughts: “There is a great need for sarcasm font.”

Random #5
My new favorite tool in my Google toolkit is Google Reader. I have been able to plug all of my favorite blogs I like to follow into my reader list and now am able to catch up in less time. When I first started using it I was about a month behind on my blog reading (there were about 300 unread posts listed.) Today I was able to get on for the first time since Friday and was pleased to see only 45 new posts. It made my reading very easy!

Random #6
I am a big fan of sunflowers.

Random #7
Tonight I workout with Katie again. I am determined to push myself harder than I have yet been able to do so. The DTC will not win tonight!

Random #8
When California is on fire, Utah air quality is not so good for the asthmatics.

Random #9
What are triglycerides?

Well I think that is all...


jkribbit said...

We totally need a sarcasm font! What a brilliant idea! (That last was not in sarcasm font - I am serious. Just another proof that sarcasm font really is needed...)

FamilyLife said...

You are looking so good. I saw a video yesterday that I think would give you a good laugh. This is the link, but if it doesn't work just look up Anita Renfroe Comedy Part 3 - 50 Ways on youtube. I think you'll really like it.