Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fitness Challenge

My personal trainer has challenged me to work up to 100 push-ups and 200 sit-ups (crunches) in 6 weeks. We found this challenge online and I am actually really excited for it. I already did the initial test and I have some improvements to make!! That is an understatement!

I wanted to pass on the word in case anyone wanted to join me in this challenge!! One important aspect is making sure you take rest days and follow the training guidelines!

The push-up challnge link is

The crunches challange link is

I am not ashamed of how few I can do now: my initial test I was only able to do 9 push-ups! I have been doing a lot of core work lately, so I did manage to do 100 crunches, however. In 6 weeks I fully expect to be able to do more!!

Are you with me?!


Candice J said...

I'm there! I'll participate!

Amy Maida Wadsworth said...

I'll join you! Push ups are not my favorite either. Has your trainer made you do planks? Ouch!

Stephanie said...

*gulp* I'm in.

Debbie said...

So, Barry & I decided to take you up on your challenge. As Barry took his initial push-up test, Ains & I watched from the couch. Barry was able to do six. As he was getting up from the floor, Ains got down on the floor and tried doing a few of her own. Her sweet little voice was the best..."ugh,ugh,ugh,six"! I guess she has decided to join the challenge as well. Absolutely adorable!!