Saturday, October 25, 2008

Transplant Video

This is a short clip of the transplant and how easy it really was. I say easy like I had to do it, Mom was nervous and rightly so! Near the end you will hear the oxygen sensor go off because Mom's oxygen was getting low and Gayle called in for some oxygen tubing. Really it is like a blood transfusion but way way cooler and much harder since Mom had so much prep for it before she could get her cells back. She had to get 7 bags like the one they are hanging in this video. The whole process lasted about an hour.


Amy Maida Wadsworth said...

Wow! I'm glad this was easy! She needs something easy! Bless all of your hearts! I think of you often. I hope all is well!

Caroline said...

"I say easy like I had to do it." LOL!

So easy, anyone can do it! Just SET IT, and FORGET IT!