Monday, October 13, 2008

Day 4

Mom's Central Line placement went well. She came home around 1 and felt great. Around 4 she spiked a fever so I had to take her back into the hospital to get checked out. They feel it is an affect of the blood building shots but gave her a 24-hour dose of a broad spectrum antibiotic. It was nice for her to get to use her line for it so she did not have to get poked. We came home around 7. She still has a fever but they said the antibiotics could cause it to go up if she did have an infection.

The great news is that her stem cell count numbers are good and she will start her harvest tomorrow morning. That is great news. It means that the pain she was in all weekend was worth it; her stem cells mobilized quickly. Her harvest tomorrow will consist of blood being drawn out from her central line, put through a centrifuge where the stem cells are separated from the white, red, and plasma cells, and then the rest of the blood is put back into her body through another port in the central line.

To those who have been asking: What can I do to help? Well I now have something we need. Mom will need probably 5 blood transfusions. They get the blood from the American Red Cross blood bank. Our family has been asked to donate blood to replace it if possible. So if you can donate blood I encourage you to go to the Red Cross and donate blood within the next two weeks I would appreciate it!


Erica said...

What is your mom's blood type? I know it's a good idea to donate anyway, but I'm just curious. I'm A-.

Caroline said...

I know Chocolate Chip Cookies weren't the best idea but we just wanted to show some love for you guys. I guess we could have been real classy and sent flowers-Candice! But, we aren't classy. Love ya!

Steph said...

Erica Mom's blood type does not matter, they take what they need and all they ask is that we give what we can. So mom might not be able to use A- but someone else can!

Carrie the cookies were so good!!

Mandee Lue said...

Oooh ooo! I'm O+ - that's a universal donor!! I'll get down there soon!! Love ya, Steph!

jkribbit said...

Hi Steph, I wish I could donate - but I'm on too many medications - they won't accept my blood. Is there anything else I can do? Can I bring you guys dinner? Movies? (I've got a huge library - I'm often referred to as "Juliewood Video" around here :) ) As always, you are all in my prayers. Lots of love <3 <3

Rach said...

Done. I'm going to donate on Friday. I've been meaning to for the last month, so thanks for giving me a reason! Love you TONS!