Friday, October 3, 2008

Regestration Deadline

Stepping on soap box, ahem...

If you are not registered to vote the deadline for mail-in registration is Sunday (which is odd since they do not postmark mail on Sunday so really it is tomorrow October 4) or in person you have until 15 days before the general election. This is of course if you live in Utah. If you do not live in Utah your voting rules might differ.

I strongly encourage everyone who is not registered to vote to do so. In Utah visit the Lt. Gov. site to find out more information:

And then your county clerk will have a list of all of the elections in your area. For example I live in Salt Lake County:
In a few weeks I will be able to see the ballot for my area.

Of course the great thing about our democratic system of voting is that you have the right not to vote. But change cannot happen unless the citizens demand it and also things do not change if we want them the same. This year in Salt Lake County we will be voting for more than people, we have a chance to vote for a zoo tax as well. The bill is designed to raise $65 billion in funding for renewing Hogle Zoo. You might want to vote for or against this as well.

I again encourage everyone to register to vote!
Steps off soap box.
Have a nice day.


Candice J said...

And if you don't vote, you can't complain! If you vote and worked for your cause and didn't win, then complain all you want. But if you don't do anything to change what you think is a problem, you shouldn't complain. Especially not to me! I'll leap from my soapbox too. :)

Mandee Lue said...

Steph you'll be so proud!!! I registered to vote last week!! I've NEVER voted before in my life!! I know, pathetic, and I'm sorry about that, but hey! I did it this time! AND this time it's really going to matter!! Thanks!

Miss Megan said...

Thanks for giving me the deadline and all the info I need to register, Steph! I'm excited to get to vote and appreciated the reminder. I had no idea the deadline was so soon! Novemember is crazy close.

Colleen said...

Here's my soapbox across the isle from Candice's... The fact that voting is a right means not voting is a right as well. If there is nobody you would choose to vote for, then not voting is okay too. The fact that we live in the United States gives you the right to complain all you want.

Although, my personal opinion is that if you don't vote because you're too lazy to get out and do it, then maybe you should carry that laziness into your complaining as well and not do it...