Thursday, October 2, 2008

So They Say...

I have heard it said that if you cannot say anything nice don't say anything at all... might be why my blog is missing some posts this week.

I say if you cannot say anything nice come sit by me.

I vent… randomly… at no one in particular, especially no one who reads my blog.

First off I want to tell that guy who almost ran into me 3 times on my way to work today to pay attention to the road or next time I will let you hit me and collect money from your insurance company. The fourth time I will not slam on my breaks and swerve …

If you are hired to work from 8-5 daily do not come in at 7, leave at 3:30 and take an hour and a half lunch.

If you are hired to answer the phone in the office sit at your desk and answer the phone when it rings; the rest of us have our job to do and are tired of covering for you.

In this modern day there is no reason not to be on direct deposit for pay checks.

If I pay you a compliment at an event to which you performed graciously accept it and do not attack a prior performance of mine that you thought you should have been a part of.

Do not call me after 10 at night. I am usually in bed. This is of course not applicable if you are a really good friend who needs help. If you just want to chat, call me tomorrow.

The purpose of a political debate is not for you to tell me why I am wrong but why you think you are right. Stop attacking my political views. If you want to convert me to your way of thinking just tell me what your thoughts on the issues are and why. Maybe I will agree, maybe not.

If we invested the outrageous amount of money being spent on attack political ads into our struggling economy we might be better served…

Just because I am female does not mean that I am a secretary or the receptionist. Also do not refer to me as “your girl” unless you want to take me home to meet your mom.

If you are trying to talk to someone and she says, “Not right now.” She means come back later, do not keep talking to her.

If someone looks up at you with tears in her eyes because she is having a bad day do not ask if she is having her period, maybe she has not had a period for 4 years, she might just be having a bad day. Just might be having a bad day and you might be a part of why.

Do not think any of these are directed at you because you are reading it on my blog. If I wanted to say this to you I would say it to your face… or inbox as the case might be. I might just be venting.

End transmission


Rach said...

We all need a venting blog sometimes, don't we??

Oh, how I miss you! I hope your day gets better soon! Does it bug you when people use too many exclamation points? Because I think I'm one of those people.

This Place is a Disaster! said...

As Joey Lawrence would say, "Woa!"

And when you go that long not having a period does your mom make it a special Becoming a woman day for you and take you to lunch and buy you a new skirt and pretends it's your first period ever! That would be fun huh!

Mandee Lue said...

I especially love this blog -- just reminds me how incredibly smart and on top of things you are -- and I love it. I love the one about paying a compliment; I've had the same thing, and it was NOT pleasant in the slightest. Thanks, Steph! Have a great day!

Reba said...

You so make me laugh... hope today is a much better day! Oh, and btw even in todays world... I still like to count and hold my money in my hot little hand. Yep... call me crazy if you like!

Stephanie said...
