Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Evereything I need to know I learned from Grey's Anatomy

So I am a fan of the afore mentioned show. I love the DVR as well, so I can watch it later when I have time. So last week Meredith gets a patient who has cancer. This patient's sister is totally focused on getting her well that cancer is all that they talk about. So this girl sends her sister out of the hospital room and BEGS Meredith to talk about anything but cancer whereupon Meredith tells cancer girl about Derek and her roommates. This makes cancer girl's day ... I shall forbear from telling the rest of the story …

I realize that my last few posts are all about cancer, and I totally understand where the Grey's story is coming from, my next many posts will be about cancer. Cancer is all encompassing. It does more than eat away at your body; it eats away at your life. You wake up in the morning thinking about cancer, think about cancer all day, and then go to be thinking about cancer. Our life is more than just cancer right now. For the rest of this post no more mention of the word that shall not be named…

My sister-in-law Katie called me today to tell me that she and Pat had just gone to the doctor for her first appointment because she is going to have a baby. The baby (I think it is a boy) is healthy and strong with a good heartbeat. Katie is doing well also. Her due date is May… um … I think the 15th. We have named all of the trimesters for the babies that have come before, and we decided to name him Xander the Xygote. (I know it is spelled wrong but I do not like Xander spelled with a Z. Alexander shortens to Xander. It is not Alezander...) So she is now in her second trimester and little Xander is no longer a zygote... Patrick has a name suggestion for the embryo but he gets a say in the actual name of the child. So I need to come up with equally good names for the embryo and fetus... I think the embryo is going to be a girl name...

Lottie has started to smile A LOT!! It is so cute I can almost forgive her propensity to poo on me.

Ainsleigh has started to crawl every where. She really loves to take out the DVDs from the shelves. Sunday I took some gaff (I am going to register for gaffers tape when I finally find the man of my dreams) and taped the DVDs into place. She did not go near them Sunday night. When Ainsleigh laughs, all is forgotten.

I love gaff tape. I had a stage manager once who made useful items out of gaff tape during down time in a show. She made a stop watch holder and a wallet. Liz is an amazing stage manager.

My brother Barry has really long hair. His hair is thick so it looks… well frankly really bad. The Halloween we took Patrick to the MTC Barry also had long hair. He put it in hot rollers (I think they were Candice’s and Colleen's… like it took 4 sets of hot rollers to do it) and dressed up like Greg Brady. Needless to say he looked odd at the MTC. You could almost see the new missionaries eyeing him to give him the first discussion.

My Aunt Bonnie just stopped by my office to drop of Season 1 of NCIS that she borrowed from my mom. Aunt Bonnie is not my blood aunt, but was married to my Uncle Tim who died long before I was born. I was in my teens before I knew she was not my blood aunt. I thought she was my mom’s sister married to Uncle Walt (her second and far grumpier husband. In fact he is the person we stole Dad’s nickname from: Grumpa)

After seeing Candice in Into The Woods a few weeks ago, my mom and sisters all went to Afternoon Tea at the Grand America. How fun is afternoon tea? I am convinced I should be British…. not Canadian… British. But when I go to Victoria British Columbia in Canada again I want to do afternoon tea at The Empress. That would be very cool. (yes it was herbal!)

I like my planner. I have a planner for work and personal use. The one for work is big and stays in my desk. The one for personal use basically holds my life. I would be lost without it. However I did not give it a gender based identity or name it.

Why did it take so long for someone to put White Out in a tape form?

I start a new class in school today. I should probably check in!!

I might just need to stop babbling now. (if you know me well you will know that right now in my head: lovely ivory tower of Babel, babble babble babble, rabble, rabble, babble)


Rochelle said...

You go ahead and babble all you want. You have a right. Besides, that is why you have a blog right?

Mandee Lue said...

Cancer sucks.

You're babblings are beautiful, loverly, they make my day -

Thanks for being Steph...

emily, etc, etc said...

I think being American is better - the Brits have bad teeth and in turn bad breath(if you are British and reading this then I apologize, but I am a truth-teller). We have higher dental standards here and it shows.
I like NCIS - I think because I like Mark Harmon - he's hot. Anyhow, babble all you want, that is what a blog is for, right!

Mother of Four said...

Steph, thanks so much for your blogs. It really is the only way we feel intouch with family and know what is going on with our Parker family love ones. Give your Mom our best and hopefully we can visit her and your family soon. We love you all and our prayers are with all of you. Hugs and Kisses!

Rach said...

I have a friend who has a son names Zander. Not short for Alexander, just Zander.

Miss Megan said...

Blog about whatever you like, I'm still reading. Congrats on the impending new niece/nephew! Hopefully s/he'll be as cute as the other two...you've been lucky so far.

Where does one purchase gaffer's tape? Home Depot?

Colleen said...

And sometimes actors use gaff tape to do a quick patch on their pants when they develop a hole in the bum...

Anonymous said...

I love my DVR also. I think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread!
Blogs are here for us to babble and get things off of our chest!
I can't wait to hear what you have to say about tonight's episode of Grey's!