Friday, October 24, 2008

This post is brought to you by the letter H

Wretchel had a fun post on her blog a while ago listing 10 things with a letter that was assigned to her. She has since assigned letters to those who want them and looking for a fun distraction I signed up. I got the letter H or aych, if you will.

1 – Happy & Hope: Some words just go together. Hope brings great happiness to me (or happyness if you are a Will Smith movie.)

2 – Hospital: This is where I live every afternoon from 1:30 until someone comes to visit with Mom. Actually the LDS Hospital is staffed with wonderful people who treat my mom as I would want her treated.

3 – Hair & Hats: Had to be together right now. I have 2 beanies that I have been wearing since shaving my head. One is from the Statue of Liberty in New York and the other I got in Alaska. Mom was wearing the Alaska hat the other day and Aunt Della asked her who gave it to her, Sarah? Subtle yet funny Palin joke. These hats keep my head (also with H!) warm... it is cold!

4 – Hell: My favorite of the Biblical swears. I told Mom I would pay her $5 every time someone walked into her room and asked “And how are we today?” if she would answer “Well I have cancer, what the hell is wrong with you?” See Mom is not a swearer, she is a really good example of how I should be, but I do have to say so far I owe Mom $10… granted I kind of bated her on those.

5 – Humor: I love to laugh! I am a fan of making people laugh. Yes sometimes humor is a defense mechanism for me but out of the coping techniques, I like it the best! My favorite comedian right now is Jeff Dunham, or if you are his puppet: Jefafa Dun-HAM dot com.

6 – Homestar Runner: Hello I’m Homestar Runner and this is my website, it’s dot com. Homestar is a great site! I love the Teen Girl Squad. I have heard rumor of a video game for the Wii from Strong Bad. I need to do some checking on this.

7 – Hairspray: Oh oh oh woke up today feeling the way I always do. While not the first show I saw on Broadway, one of my favorites mostly because I saw it for free. It pays to know the producer. I went on a trip to New York a few years ago with Candice, her mom and her sister. We had a blast (also where I got my NY beanie from, see #3). Also seen on Broadway: Miss Saigon, Les Mis, The Rockettes, Swing! and Wicked.

8 – Hawaii: Loves me some Maui and Kauai. I spent my 30th birthday in Hawaii with my family on a cruise. It was so great. We went to 4 of the islands. Everyone should turn 30 in a tropical paradise!

9 – Hanukkah: My favorite of the Jewish holidays. I lived with Jews in Chicago and have taken to practicing this High Holy Day every year. Last year for the Hanukkah party my brother and sister in law were in a pretty nasty car accident and it kind out put a damper on it. They are fine, though, and we are hoping for no snow storms for the Hanukkah party this year.

10 – Hugh Jackman: Yummy, yummy man! He is a quadruple threat: he sings, dances, acts, and just looks good doing it.

Honorable Mentions: Hate; Heart; Hamburger; Hillcrest High School: Go Huskies; Home; Hyperbole (I'm not one to use hyperbole, ladies and gentlemen but I'll tell you this, for the first time in my life I had the caca scared out of me!); Hero; Hot Chocolate; House (the TV show) because of Hugh Laurie.


Patti said...

Hugh Jackman....yummmmy!

Mandee Lue said...

The Hell one was my favorite! Oh, and I love Hairspray - both kids! Thanks, Steph!

Peggy said...

So, speaking of "H"air, I had a dream last night that my British friend (who is a hairstylist) came and was teaching me to cut hair. We were cutting your's (it didn't occur to me until later in the dream that you're bald!) and she cut it SUPER short. You were trying so hard to be polite but were, in reality, very upset. I was confused that you were so upset since you were bald but so it was. You were, however, very polite to my poor friend. It makes no sense, but it was my dream. Troubling, how my mind works, yes?

Rach said...

Love Hugh Jackman! H was a great letter for you!

Sarah said...

Love this! What a fun idea. I continue to follow your mom's progress. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Rock said...

I thought I was "one of your favorite girls!" What are those babies doing on the side of the post. Where is me?