Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cancer Walk Photos

Here are the pics from the Cancer Walk on October 11 (Happy Birthday Barry!) It was cold, it snowed a little that day! From left to right Colleen, Patrick, Brad, Katie, Debbie, Barry, Liz, Candice, me, Dad and the babies down front are Lottie and Ainsleigh. Mom's treatment prevented her from coming and Everett was sick.
Lottie bundled up ready to go.
Ainsleigh has the coolest wrap to keep her toes warm.
And we're walking, we're walking...
My chum Carrie gave me some pink hairspray and this is what we did to Patrick with it. Colleen and I tried to do our whole head with it. It looked pink on her, red on me.

The walk was fun. I ran into Damon Yauney from Fox 13 news. Damon and I did a show together a few years ago, Oklahoma. He was Curly and I was Aunt Eller. So we walked together for a minute and he said, "I was thinking about you and Matt (Jud) the other day because I found my cowboy hat in the closet. It still has a bullet hole in it." In the scene Poor Jud is Ded the guns we were using misfired in his face and it was... oh man it was something. Damon does the news in the morning and he had to have some work done to make him pretty again. So it was nice to see him again, and yes he is just as pretty in person as he is on the news.
It was a fun day and I am glad we did it. Our team raised $1,850 for cancer research. Thanks to all who participated and helped us with donations.

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