Sunday, October 19, 2008


Someone asked me why I was putting a lot of information on this blog about Mom's treatment for cancer and why I am posting so often. The answer is simple: Mom is telling her friends to check here for updates on her progress which is cool with me. Not only does is give me an outlet for expressing somethings, but also am able to provide that service for her.

In about two hours our family is having Family Hair Evening (FHE) and Mom promised her Seattle friends pictures. Hopefully they will be up tomorrow. I have been meaning to put up pictures of the walk for over a week now. By the way Mirriam thanks for the hat! It is so soft that I am excited to wear it on my soon to be cold head!

I am just excited I had one last really good hair day today!

By way of one more explination: during phase 2 the days start as a negative. When mom goes into the hospital it will be day -3. Day 0 is her transplant (Friday) and then they start counting up from there. They also call Friday her birthday. I will need to ask why. Monday we have one last meeting with the BMT team as a family before she is admitted Tuesday.

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