Tuesday, June 10, 2008

True Colors

As I was driving to work at an unreasonable hour this morning I passed a car with a bunch of young men, probably 16 years old and younger. In the front passenger seat was a kid with a mohawk. This was not your average run of the mill “side-shaved-with-a-party-up-top” mohawk either. This was a full on “defy-gravity-make-your-mama-cry” mohawk. It made me miss the late 80’s early 90’s when they were the in thing. It also made me miss Cyndi Lauper who had the best hair in the 80’s. Man I wanted the waffle side cut with pink (yes I said pink) highlights. Once I decided I was going to just do it. So I took my fathers clippers and started in the back. I had pretty long hair at the time so when I chickened out and had to stop, it still did not show. However, it still look pretty (rad, boss, tubular) cool when I would pull my hair back in a pony and show the underside.

Might I add Cyndi Lauper still puts on a mighty fine concert! Saw her open for Cher… a story for another time!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

"...I see your true colors, and that's why I love you..."
You are so fun!