Friday, June 6, 2008

Rolling with my Homie

Look at my niece Ainsleigh and tell me honestly she could not be the Gerber Baby. Granted I am biased of how cute she really is being the proud aunt, but still that is one stinkin cute face!!
At the Zoo
At home with her new monkey
Helping (favorite) Aunt Stephanie direct Birdie

Because I do not wish to get into a fight I shall not call her the cutest child ever. Besides I do indeed have 2 nieces, I just get to see this one more often than Lottie. (Side bar on Lottie, she is a month old yesterday!! Being blessed on Sunday.) I'm just saying Ainsleigh is cute... I shall leave it at that.

I had to take her to rehearsal on Saturday because Barry and Debbie both needed to work. I was sad that she was more popular than I was!! LOL.


Miss Megan said...

"I want an adorable niece!" says the little green monster... Your nieces are the cutest!!

jkribbit said...

She is a doll!!