Monday, August 25, 2008

The War Chapters of Alma

The war chapters in Alma of the Book of Mormon are some of my favorites. Not because of the subject, but rather because of the lesson I can learn and apply in my life. Alma 50 talks about how Captain Moroni prepared his people for war; what he did to fortify the land. In verse 1 he dug heaps of earth, verse 2 he placed timbers around them to the height of a man, in verse 3 he caused pickets to be placed on top of those, in verse 4 he erected towers for look out, and in verse 10 he placed armies about to guard and protect.

In a secular sense in times of war I can apply this to me in this manner: 1- dig myself out of debt; 2- save money in case of economic hardship; 3- food storage, food storage, food storage; 4- gain an education and be informed about what is happening in the world; and 5- elect wise leaders for the nation.

In a spiritual sense in my personal war against Satan, I can apply it in this manner: 1- the dirt serves as a foundation which is my testimony and faith in my Lord; 2- the timbers are similar to the programs set up at church: Relief Society, Priesthood, Sunday School, Primary, and Youth programs; 3- the pickets are like barbed wire on top of a fence which is like the personal things I can do to keep myself ready: being in the world but not of the world, obeying the Word of Wisdom, paying my tithing, keeping the Law of Chastity, etc.; 4- the lookouts to me are like the words that to warn me about evil: The Holy Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price, the Ensign and Conference talks; and 5- the army is the Prophet and Apostles, my local leaders, and friends who teach me to do the right thing and help me when I need to be boosted up.


Erica said...

Very nice analogy. :^)

This Place is a Disaster! said...

I used this analogy of yours 2 weeks ago for Family Home Evening with some friends. Our kids loved it, and I of course learned it from you years ago in a small apartment in Wheeling.
I used our blocks, and dirt from our garden and rocks . . .come to think of it, our blocks are stil outside in the pile of dirt!
I built up strong homes with a cake and layers of delicious on it. Cake, Cream, Pudding, Fruit. Each layer was stuff like Temple Marriage, Family Prayer, ctr, etc.

Mandee Lue said...

"...friends who teach me to do the right thing and help me when I need to be boosted up." Nuff said! Love it; thank you!

Amy Maida Wadsworth said...

You gospel doctrine teachers! Jason just taught about the stripling warriors. These chapters have so much to teach us! I'm sure you're an awesome teacher!

Peggy said...

I seriously loved your lesson. In fact, when I was reading this morning, I was going crazy marking passages and writing in the margins. You're the best. MMMM!