Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Gutsy? Just wait...

When I was younger my hair would just change colors naturally every few years. My hair has been red, blonde, and brown. I have also made my hair red, blonde, and brown; but I have never had the guts to go black. Well you know what they say about going black...

So I made the choice when I was in Las Vegas with Megan and Candice that I wanted to do it. I was going to do it. I was standing in the potty waiting for the girls and this lady was in there with black hair and blue tips. I love that she did that, and I told her so.
So I called my hair lady Jenae and asked her if she would help me make a drastic change to my hair. She was all in, but we decided to wait a week in case I changed my mind. Well the transformtion is below:

This is what my hair looked like an hour before I went in yesterday

This was at her salon, not the most flattering angle...

On the way home, still a little unsure...

And this morning in my office. Have you ever noticed that when you get a cut it takes like a week before it is perfect? Well maybe it is just me. My hair was washed 4 times yesterday (in the morning, once before she cut it, once after she dyed it, and then when I got home because I can not stand the little hairs all over), too many if you ask me, so it will take a little while before it calms down from that. Oh and then I am going to buy some colored gel and tip it one day... I think I have the guts to do that since I know it will wash out.

So this is new hair style #1 of 2008. The next one is coming in October some time... stay tuned!


Caroline said...

You so pitty! Too bad you didn't take a shot of last night's spikes. Hot! You are such a dark haired beauty. You really may never go back after going black. Well, except for during your next hair "style."

Miss Megan said...

I like it! Can't wait to see you in person, and then see your hair with blue spikes. I'm totally jealous you can get away with it!

Erica said...

Looks nice! :^)

Jill and Andy said...

Oooh- me likee. You could totally do blue tips. I want to see those. Way to be gutsy!

Mandee Lue said...

Love it! I think you'd look good in any color!!

Scott and Courtney said...

I like it. I looks really good. I had black hair once... it was suppose to wash out with 24 washes. I think it was in my hair for about six months before I went to the salon to get it taken care of. Four hours, and $50 later, it was pretty much back to normal. As crazy as that was, I'd maybe do it again! You look great, though!