Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Vegas Pics

Megan and a Ferengi... he offered to buy her blood later in the day, he was just putting it out there.

One of the Enterprise Star Ships, I want to say from TNG

A croc at the Shark Reef

Megan's food at Quarks, those are not chop sticks despite what one might think


An eel

Three friends, stuck in Vegas, seeing the men from Thunder Down Under but more wholesome, a little more wholesome but still yummy. By the way our Irish King was kind of lame.

Enterprise... one of them, from the original series.

So there is a great picture of Candice drinking a fruity bev, but for some reason I can not get it to work here... so instead of you get Megan and yours truly... that would be me... Picards grandmother.

Right so I know these pics are out of order, I am still getting used to playing with my Mac at home. I am so used to my PC at work where I know how to make things do what I want it to do... not so much here yet.

1 comment:

Miss Megan said...

Three comments, actually:

1. The Ferengi wanted to buy my blood because I have a gene code that makes me impervious to Borg assimilation.

2. The breadsticks I orignally thought were chopsticks were delicious.

3. Those servants during the Tournament of Kings really did look like they were ready for Thunder Down Under. Eep!

Good times had by all.