Sunday, September 28, 2008
Joy & Rapture
There are no words to describe how much a girl's night out with those I love can fix what ails... kisses!
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Surprise part 1: The Remodel
A little background:
Fact #1 - My family moved into our current house when I was in the 4th grade (or was it the 2nd?) and there is a bathroom in the basement that has NEVER worked. Keep in mind that I am 32 now. We called this room the "Spider Bathroom" because really that is all that used the room... the spiders.
Fact #B - My mom has cancer
Fact #3 - Mom just went on an 8-day vacation to Seattle before her bone marrow transplant next month.
Fact #the last - Put all of these facts together and one might find a surprise below.
So this is what the bathroom looked like before, literally never been used. We did just rip out the existing tub which was kind of nappy. This picture is right after that.
The new tub installed and ready for ... well installed anyway.
After the new tub was installed, my brother Barry took a little break. Another kind of nappy... ha ha.
My sisters Colleen and Debbie and I took the challenge to paint the room. May I just talk a minute about primer and how much it smells?
I work in a business where from time to time I get to visit construction sites sometimes during demo. I have a few street signs that were going to be thrown away that I salvaged for something.... what that something was I did not know. So we designed the bathroom around these signs. The result is below:
We made an animal control towel rack, its a nice rack...
Then on Saturday when Colleen, Debbie, and I went to Ikea to find accessories we found this picture. It is of New York a few years ago. You cannot see it but one of the signs is of Law and Order. The No Parking sign, I admit, we had made special, it is not a reused sign.
The accent wall is maps of places that we have lived as a family: Utah, Seattle, Bremerton WA, Eugene OR, Chicago, San Diego, Wyoming, Tennessee, etc. The places on the map are marked with spider stickers instead of red dots so this will always be the spider bathroom.
Okay, so we had an issue yesterday right before Mom's plane landed. Barry and I were attaching the sink. We had problem after problem attaching the sink. So Barry was anchoring the sink to the wall and the sheet rock gave way.
So sad all I could do was laugh!!

What did we do? Well thank you for asking, we covered up the hole with the sink and we are going to replace the sheetrock on Saturday... and by we I mean my brothers Everett and Barry. So the bathroom works except for the sink... we just wash our hands in the tub.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
SMART goals
Last year one of my friends gave a lesson about goal setting at church. I have always loved setting and accomplishing goals so this lesson was one of my favorites. It was on setting SMART goals:
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Attainable
R – Realistic
T – Timely
Each step is pretty self-explanatory; the concept is simple but the results are amazing. I think an important part of setting goals is to believe in what you have set and that you can accomplish it. I also believe that if you set yourself up for defeat by saying “I have set a goal to do this but do not know if I can do it” you will fail. Negative thoughts have a way of hanging in the air and ensuring defeat. Not only will the person who expresses the negative thoughts feel it, but those around can start to ingest it. Negative thoughts can consume a person and be deflected on those around. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to be happy and positive when someone around is moody and determined to be negative?
What do setting SMART goals and having a negative attitude have to do with each other? Well when I set a goal to accomplish something with a team of individuals, who I know can accomplish a task in a specific amount of time, I expect we can do it. Failure is not an option. It hit me last night that the best laid plans can be uprooted by a negative attitude and when this happens it takes a great deal of positive attitude and energy to get back on track.
Tonight this is going to be accomplished with Christmas music! (yes I know it is September)
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Attainable
R – Realistic
T – Timely
Each step is pretty self-explanatory; the concept is simple but the results are amazing. I think an important part of setting goals is to believe in what you have set and that you can accomplish it. I also believe that if you set yourself up for defeat by saying “I have set a goal to do this but do not know if I can do it” you will fail. Negative thoughts have a way of hanging in the air and ensuring defeat. Not only will the person who expresses the negative thoughts feel it, but those around can start to ingest it. Negative thoughts can consume a person and be deflected on those around. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to be happy and positive when someone around is moody and determined to be negative?
What do setting SMART goals and having a negative attitude have to do with each other? Well when I set a goal to accomplish something with a team of individuals, who I know can accomplish a task in a specific amount of time, I expect we can do it. Failure is not an option. It hit me last night that the best laid plans can be uprooted by a negative attitude and when this happens it takes a great deal of positive attitude and energy to get back on track.
Tonight this is going to be accomplished with Christmas music! (yes I know it is September)
Monday, September 22, 2008
cour·age (n) - the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
New phone
I mentioned in my 100th blogextravenzapalooza (is that how I spelled it) that I needed a new phone. My company gives me a cell phone which is so great of them; one of the best perks I have. I picked it out this week and it just arrived. I am going to play with it this weekend before I port over everything and start using it, just to get used to it, I am smrt. I also caved and got a bluetooth. Gr... But it is a small one that can stay in my car. I love that we have a policy at work that we are required to use a hands free when we are in the car. I usually get the one that has a cord and hangs in the ear... but I caved and am now a part of the dark side. Have you caught that I am not a fan of the bluetooth? I had a bad experience with a person who was wearing one. What happened you ask? I HAD A BAD EXPERIENCE!! So below is my new pretty... the LG Dare.

Friday, September 19, 2008
Missing Links
I have had 3 links of my friend's blogs disappear from my links list, does this happen to anyone else or am I on drugs? Or both? Sorry Peggy, Amy, and Erica.... is anyone else missing that I should have there? If so let me know!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A Poll... it is not an official one
I was watching the news this morning and there was a report about what issue American voters were most interested in this election year. It got me thinking and wondering myself. So I posted a small poll on my blog, look to the right above my picture. I'd love to see what my friends are most concerned about.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Do not remove under penalty of...
Peggy tagged me, Peggy just moved, how she has time to tag is beyond me!! But if she has time to do it and unpack, I guess I can avoid work for a minute to fulfill the tag.
I'm supposed to list 6 quirky things about myself.
Link back to the person who tagged me.
List the rules on my blog.
Tag 6 "unsuspecting" bloggers to complete, see the end of the post.
1. I was a tomboy growing up. I liked to play what the boys were playing as opposed to the girls. I wore my brother’s old clothing and did not bother with dresses or anything frilly unless forced upon by my mother. One day I was out with the boys jumping our bikes off a ramp. I hit the ramp wrong and did a magnificent flip off of the ramp landing on my face. I scrapped myself up pretty good, bruised my two front teeth. I still have scars on my hands from the fall.
2. I have a phobia of germs. I get sick really easily so I am obsessive of washing my hands and not touching things I do not know where they have been. However, once I know you I can do such things as not wipe off my fork before eating at your house or share (gulp) chap stick with you… but I do always wipe it off before or after. To get to this point takes years.
3. I love kissing, odd if you read the above. When I moved to Chicago I was not a kisser, I was a hugger. The people I lived with are a kissy group of people; mostly on the cheek, sometimes on the lips. It took me a while to get used to my boss kissing me on the cheek but then I started to really like that form of greeting or farewell.
4. I am terrified of the dark and guns. TERRIFIED. My uncle and cousin were both murdered by a person with a gun at night (different times, one right before my mission and one during). When I moved home a few years ago one of our customers found out that I was afraid of guns and thought it would be a good idea if he broke me of this fear. So one day he snuck into my office while my head was down with two guns. When I looked up I had 2 six shooters pointed at my head. I hit the floor, rocking and crying. He thought it was funny; I am even more scared of guns now. I can handle the dark for the most part now.
5. I force myself to not be shy. While I seem really outgoing, I do not like new situations or situations I do not have control over, I normally shrink in the corner until I feel comfortable. I am kind of a control freak, yes it is true. I walked out of the only surprise birthday party that was ever successfully thrown for me because I do not like not knowing what is going on. (This is not a challenge to throw me a party; I will walk out of it too!)
6. I do not have a love of school; it is hard for me to get good grades. In high school I would study and study for a test and pass with a C while my siblings would not study and get an A. My mom used to call me her street smart kid and the others were book smart. However, I was the 3rd person in my family to get an Associates Degree and will be the first in my family to have a Bachelors when I finish in March.
Now, I tag: Emily, Amy, Rachael, Melissa, Jill & Rochelle. Do it, don’t do it, meh…
I'm supposed to list 6 quirky things about myself.
Link back to the person who tagged me.
List the rules on my blog.
Tag 6 "unsuspecting" bloggers to complete, see the end of the post.
1. I was a tomboy growing up. I liked to play what the boys were playing as opposed to the girls. I wore my brother’s old clothing and did not bother with dresses or anything frilly unless forced upon by my mother. One day I was out with the boys jumping our bikes off a ramp. I hit the ramp wrong and did a magnificent flip off of the ramp landing on my face. I scrapped myself up pretty good, bruised my two front teeth. I still have scars on my hands from the fall.
2. I have a phobia of germs. I get sick really easily so I am obsessive of washing my hands and not touching things I do not know where they have been. However, once I know you I can do such things as not wipe off my fork before eating at your house or share (gulp) chap stick with you… but I do always wipe it off before or after. To get to this point takes years.
3. I love kissing, odd if you read the above. When I moved to Chicago I was not a kisser, I was a hugger. The people I lived with are a kissy group of people; mostly on the cheek, sometimes on the lips. It took me a while to get used to my boss kissing me on the cheek but then I started to really like that form of greeting or farewell.
4. I am terrified of the dark and guns. TERRIFIED. My uncle and cousin were both murdered by a person with a gun at night (different times, one right before my mission and one during). When I moved home a few years ago one of our customers found out that I was afraid of guns and thought it would be a good idea if he broke me of this fear. So one day he snuck into my office while my head was down with two guns. When I looked up I had 2 six shooters pointed at my head. I hit the floor, rocking and crying. He thought it was funny; I am even more scared of guns now. I can handle the dark for the most part now.
5. I force myself to not be shy. While I seem really outgoing, I do not like new situations or situations I do not have control over, I normally shrink in the corner until I feel comfortable. I am kind of a control freak, yes it is true. I walked out of the only surprise birthday party that was ever successfully thrown for me because I do not like not knowing what is going on. (This is not a challenge to throw me a party; I will walk out of it too!)
6. I do not have a love of school; it is hard for me to get good grades. In high school I would study and study for a test and pass with a C while my siblings would not study and get an A. My mom used to call me her street smart kid and the others were book smart. However, I was the 3rd person in my family to get an Associates Degree and will be the first in my family to have a Bachelors when I finish in March.
Now, I tag: Emily, Amy, Rachael, Melissa, Jill & Rochelle. Do it, don’t do it, meh…
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Deep Thoughts ... by Starbuck
Trials are hard to endure, especially when they happen to someone you love and you do not know how to help.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Thanks Candice
So besty Candice sent me this video to brighten my morning and start the week off right; and let me say it did!! I laughed and laughed at my desk!! Thanks Candice!!
"Wearing your pageant sash and your Tina Fey glasses" Ha!
"I am just one heart beat away from being the President of the United States."
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A 100th Blogextravaganzapalooza
100 Random Thoughts about me or nothing in particular
1. Blogging really is great therapy
2. I like the new Microsoft Office suite, I thought I would hate it
3. I really like sailboats and lighthouses
4. Once you go black you never go back
5. Nightmares are scary
6. Cancer Sucks!
7. Fall is my favorite season
8. The hammer is my…
9. Monk is not so weird, I see where he is coming from
10. Sometimes I am woefully underpaid
11. School is nice and all but I am getting tired of the work group teams
12. What is going to happen to Jim and Pam
13. Wicked is coming to Salt Lake in April 2009
14. I need a new cell phone
15. Why does a headache make it hard to think
16. My favorite character on Arrested Development is Buster (Hi Uncle Father Oscar)
17. Napoleon Dynamite was a funny show but I should not have seen it when I did what with the whooping cough and all
18. I like to wear flip flops and am sad that season is almost over
19. Debbie is the best swim instructor I have ever had
20. The Olympics were fun to watch for many reasons
21. I wish I could paint
22. When Wretchel wanted to join a pottery class I really wanted to join her
23. My favorite food is sushi
24. Game night needs to happen more often
25. We used to turn our family room into a theater room, I miss that
26. My mom used to make us each a Valentine’s cake
27. Look at that sky, talk about blue
28. Allergies are not my favorite thing
29. Being single really is okay, I am reminded of this during Sacrament meeting weekly
30. I am going to buy a house in a year
31. For graduation I am going to buy a new TV
32. This is how old I am
33. The boy I used to nanny for is a freshman in college, this is not alright
34. Mamma Mia the sing-a-long version is AWESOME
35. Medication is our friend, overmedication is not
36. I am worried about the national debt
37. I need some new shirts
38. Alaska was one of the prettiest places I have ever visited
39. I wish hybrid cars were more affordable
40. I would like to spend a week in Bolder Colorado
41. I miss my Bridie friends
42. I am a Phelps Phan
43. I have 1 stamp in my passport
44. I need to brush up on ASL again, Special Needs Mutual is starting
45. I like my Mac
46. Oh Monkey Monkey Monkey, you tore my heart in two
47. Red is a fun color for a car
48. Some people have too much bloody money
49. Burt’s Bees is the best
50. Chocolate is good in its many forms
51. I really do want World Peace
52. This is a long list… remind me why I am doing it
53. I like directing more than acting, but I need act in something sooner than later
54. My receptionist is dressed inappropriately today… this is nothing new
55. I like swimming
56. My favorite color is green I think because of Julie
57. Joey and Janice’s Day of Fun in Park City are the best
58. Voice mail is annoying
59. I am not a fan of Ben Stiller but I do not wish him harm, ever
60. Camping is my least favorite activity
61. I put my Obama sign up right after his speech on Thursday night of the Democratic National Convention
62. People who graffiti buildings have no self-esteem
63. My Chemical Romance is an awesome band, but they swear too much
64. Water is my favorite beverage
65. There are days when I really miss my Grams
66. Sometimes when I am on the phone and I get put on hold so someone can answer their cell phone it makes me a little mad
67. Gmail chat is one of my new favorite things
68. Broadway musicals are so great
69. I love rain, the big fat rain that smells like home is the best
70. I come from a good family
71. Million Dollar Baby is a really good flick
72. I do not like to get into political arguments
73. My new stereo syncs into my iPod
74. My preferred characteristic within Expression is the capability to unearth synonyms (sentence used to read: My favorite feature in Word is the ability to find synonyms)
75. I have always wanted to write a book
76. I am not a pet person
77. Stupid people bug me
78. My least favorite task at work is balancing the bank statement
79. I could be Jewish, well except for the fact that Jesus is my personal Savior thing
80.Spandex is a privilege, not a right
81. Communication is the key to successful relationships
82. I really dislike the smell of coffee
83. I think I would want to win a Tony more than an Oscar
84. Really Gus?
85. The last 15 are the hardest
86. I am actually excited to shave my head
87. I think text messaging is killing the English language
88.Disneyland is the happiest place on earth unless you are Kate
89. Morning disc jockeys on the radio kind of annoy me, not Rick so much but that is just because we are friends
90. Coloring calms me when I am mad
91. I have a secret… but I can not tell you… yet
92. “You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig” is an expression not a slam on gender.
93. While I dislike camping I do like smores (first you take the mallow...)
94. I like music
95. People would be in less debt if they bought less
96. Post-its were a great invention; thanks Romy and Michelle
97. I like peanut butter M&M’s, well frankly anything with chocolate and peanut butter
98. I wish we had government sponsored nap time for adults, like we could all have a mat at our desks and graham crackers or something
99. Remember when we did not have little flash drives that we could carry in our pockets?
100. This list word count is: 1,062
1. Blogging really is great therapy
2. I like the new Microsoft Office suite, I thought I would hate it
3. I really like sailboats and lighthouses
4. Once you go black you never go back
5. Nightmares are scary
6. Cancer Sucks!
7. Fall is my favorite season
8. The hammer is my…
9. Monk is not so weird, I see where he is coming from
10. Sometimes I am woefully underpaid
11. School is nice and all but I am getting tired of the work group teams
12. What is going to happen to Jim and Pam
13. Wicked is coming to Salt Lake in April 2009
14. I need a new cell phone
15. Why does a headache make it hard to think
16. My favorite character on Arrested Development is Buster (Hi Uncle Father Oscar)
17. Napoleon Dynamite was a funny show but I should not have seen it when I did what with the whooping cough and all
18. I like to wear flip flops and am sad that season is almost over
19. Debbie is the best swim instructor I have ever had
20. The Olympics were fun to watch for many reasons
21. I wish I could paint
22. When Wretchel wanted to join a pottery class I really wanted to join her
23. My favorite food is sushi
24. Game night needs to happen more often
25. We used to turn our family room into a theater room, I miss that
26. My mom used to make us each a Valentine’s cake
27. Look at that sky, talk about blue
28. Allergies are not my favorite thing
29. Being single really is okay, I am reminded of this during Sacrament meeting weekly
30. I am going to buy a house in a year
31. For graduation I am going to buy a new TV
32. This is how old I am
33. The boy I used to nanny for is a freshman in college, this is not alright
34. Mamma Mia the sing-a-long version is AWESOME
35. Medication is our friend, overmedication is not
36. I am worried about the national debt
37. I need some new shirts
38. Alaska was one of the prettiest places I have ever visited
39. I wish hybrid cars were more affordable
40. I would like to spend a week in Bolder Colorado
41. I miss my Bridie friends
42. I am a Phelps Phan
43. I have 1 stamp in my passport
44. I need to brush up on ASL again, Special Needs Mutual is starting
45. I like my Mac
46. Oh Monkey Monkey Monkey, you tore my heart in two
47. Red is a fun color for a car
48. Some people have too much bloody money
49. Burt’s Bees is the best
50. Chocolate is good in its many forms
51. I really do want World Peace
52. This is a long list… remind me why I am doing it
53. I like directing more than acting, but I need act in something sooner than later
54. My receptionist is dressed inappropriately today… this is nothing new
55. I like swimming
56. My favorite color is green I think because of Julie
57. Joey and Janice’s Day of Fun in Park City are the best
58. Voice mail is annoying
59. I am not a fan of Ben Stiller but I do not wish him harm, ever
60. Camping is my least favorite activity
61. I put my Obama sign up right after his speech on Thursday night of the Democratic National Convention
62. People who graffiti buildings have no self-esteem
63. My Chemical Romance is an awesome band, but they swear too much
64. Water is my favorite beverage
65. There are days when I really miss my Grams
66. Sometimes when I am on the phone and I get put on hold so someone can answer their cell phone it makes me a little mad
67. Gmail chat is one of my new favorite things
68. Broadway musicals are so great
69. I love rain, the big fat rain that smells like home is the best
70. I come from a good family
71. Million Dollar Baby is a really good flick
72. I do not like to get into political arguments
73. My new stereo syncs into my iPod
74. My preferred characteristic within Expression is the capability to unearth synonyms (sentence used to read: My favorite feature in Word is the ability to find synonyms)
75. I have always wanted to write a book
76. I am not a pet person
77. Stupid people bug me
78. My least favorite task at work is balancing the bank statement
79. I could be Jewish, well except for the fact that Jesus is my personal Savior thing
80.Spandex is a privilege, not a right
81. Communication is the key to successful relationships
82. I really dislike the smell of coffee
83. I think I would want to win a Tony more than an Oscar
84. Really Gus?
85. The last 15 are the hardest
86. I am actually excited to shave my head
87. I think text messaging is killing the English language
88.Disneyland is the happiest place on earth unless you are Kate
89. Morning disc jockeys on the radio kind of annoy me, not Rick so much but that is just because we are friends
90. Coloring calms me when I am mad
91. I have a secret… but I can not tell you… yet
92. “You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig” is an expression not a slam on gender.
93. While I dislike camping I do like smores (first you take the mallow...)
94. I like music
95. People would be in less debt if they bought less
96. Post-its were a great invention; thanks Romy and Michelle
97. I like peanut butter M&M’s, well frankly anything with chocolate and peanut butter
98. I wish we had government sponsored nap time for adults, like we could all have a mat at our desks and graham crackers or something
99. Remember when we did not have little flash drives that we could carry in our pockets?
100. This list word count is: 1,062
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thank you so much!
I have some super generous friends who have been supporting me emotionally, mentally, and physically as I fight with my mom's cancer (have I mentioned this week that cancer sucks!?) But now I have to say that I have some really generous friends who have donated money to the walk that we are doing as a family. Thank you to everyone who has ever given me any sort of support (emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, financial, etc) this year. It has not gone unnoticed, nor is it unappreciated. I know I have not been able to share my thanks appropriately with everyone but please accept this pathetic blog thanks! I thank you for the hugs, the kisses, the ear, the words of kindness, the girl's nights out, the prayers, the friendship... I can go on and on... Thank you!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Allergy testing 101
Seasonal allergies are not the best thing ever. Just trust me on this if you have no prior knowledge! I decided to be proactive for next year and try immunotherapy shots. In order for this to happen I had to have a skin test to reconfirm what I am allergic to. First you lay on your stomach and they stick allergens on your back and poke them in your skin. I did not take a pic of that for VERY obvious reasons. However to get a more accurate reading they also can do tests on the arm. To do the arm test they take actual syringes of the venom and inject ... yes inject ... it in your arm. You are not allowed to scratch your arm during the test and trust me when I say it itches.
First we have the right arm with the trees and grasses.
Then the left arm with the weeds, molds and animals.
The after shot of the right arm after the allergens have time to work and the marker is cleaned off. That big welt in the middle is my major tree allergy of Ceder. I ave 5 trees that scored high on the test and will be included in my injections.
The after of the left arm is not as bad as the right. I do have some mold allergies still but we found that my allergies to cats and dogs are not as pronounced! Not that I am going to become a pet person...
Now I wait for a week for the magic potion to be mixed up. Hopefully by next spring with getting weekly injections I can have fewer allergies and spend more time outdoors (not camping mind you... I still am allergic to dirt everywhere... I don't like dirt.) They say that the shots should cause an immunity to these tree allergens in 3-5 years. This is good news to me!
I wonder if I went to try to donate blood if they would take one look at my allergy track marks and force me into a rehab program?
First we have the right arm with the trees and grasses.

I wonder if I went to try to donate blood if they would take one look at my allergy track marks and force me into a rehab program?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Had a Hale of a Night
Last night was the Hale Centre Theatre Thank You party for all those involved with Hale shows. While I have never been in a Hale show I have really good friends who are (See Kate now in Big, and Candice next in Into The Woods!!) I lucked out since Kate's fiance is out of the state going to school and was her date last night. We went with Candice and Megan, met up with Patti and Dave and Michael and his date. What a fun night!!
They say it is a formal event and, I am not kidding you, WOW!!! I am glad I went out to get a new top instead of just using an old shirt. Everyone looked beautiful, especially my date! I loved your hair and your dress was the good kind of sparkly… yes there is a bad kind!
After a great dinner we all went into the theater for a show. And Hale puts on a fun thank you show. First they did a tribute to my good chum Scott Morgan who passed away this year, it was nice to give him a final standing ovation. Then his parents received a nice thank you from the theater. The box office staff got up and shared some of the funnier calls from the year. Then there was a scene from every show of this season. Kate was in Christmas Carol and the scene from Big (stop framing your face, no I think it is working.) Then we had birthday cake for Megan… or the theater depending on who you were. Kate and I took some prom photos that I can not wait to see! It was such a fun night. I am so pleased to have good friends I can stay out way to late with and chat!
Also side note, someone I used to work at another theater asked if I would be willing to go back to them, and Sally the Hale producer told me I looked nice and she liked my shirt. I have also found that Candice and I are really good at helping people avoid stalkers and Patti has purple hair (LOVE IT!)
They say it is a formal event and, I am not kidding you, WOW!!! I am glad I went out to get a new top instead of just using an old shirt. Everyone looked beautiful, especially my date! I loved your hair and your dress was the good kind of sparkly… yes there is a bad kind!
After a great dinner we all went into the theater for a show. And Hale puts on a fun thank you show. First they did a tribute to my good chum Scott Morgan who passed away this year, it was nice to give him a final standing ovation. Then his parents received a nice thank you from the theater. The box office staff got up and shared some of the funnier calls from the year. Then there was a scene from every show of this season. Kate was in Christmas Carol and the scene from Big (stop framing your face, no I think it is working.) Then we had birthday cake for Megan… or the theater depending on who you were. Kate and I took some prom photos that I can not wait to see! It was such a fun night. I am so pleased to have good friends I can stay out way to late with and chat!
Also side note, someone I used to work at another theater asked if I would be willing to go back to them, and Sally the Hale producer told me I looked nice and she liked my shirt. I have also found that Candice and I are really good at helping people avoid stalkers and Patti has purple hair (LOVE IT!)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
my new favorite things
Recently PBS aired new versions of 4 of the Jane Austen books made into television movies. I loved loved loved them! They did not remake Pride & Prejudiced (because in my opinion why ever remake Jennifer Ehle or Colin 'Yummy' Firth) or Emma (because ... well I have no reason not to remake this one ... because it does not have Colin Firth) Along with them there is a story made called Miss Austen Regrets which was very cool. I was thinking about them because as I went to sleep last night I was watching Jane Eyre (Mr. Edward Fairfax Rochester ... oh man! Good stuff!) For this week they are my new favorite things ... partly because they make me not have nightmares at night ... mostly because they are so beautiful!

Monday, September 8, 2008
A Funny Relief Society
Yesterday our Relief Society president gave a lesson on being organized and asked for feedback on what suggestions we have to help with organizing our homes. One of the older sisters says, "Don't marry a man who lived through the depression." Before I could stop myself I said, "DONE! Next?"
Friday, September 5, 2008
A Cancer Walk
This year I am doing a Great Strides walk for Breast Cancer Awareness and Research on October 11. It will be the week before my mother's transplant and my family is doing this together. I started a team called, of course, Cancer Sucks. Please visit the Cancer Sucks Team Page if you can donate to our team (our goal is $2000 as a team) or if you want to walk with us sign up to do so as well! The more the merrier!! Our team already is at 9% of our goal and I know we can reach it. This walk is in conjunction with the Pampered Chef's cancer fundraising campaign Help Whip Cancer so many of my fellow Pampered Chef Independent Consultants will be walking as well.
While this is not the type of cancer my mother has, I have a cousin who found out the same day as mom was diagnosed that she has breast cancer. She has had surgery and so far has a clean bill of health. My aunt is a 30 year breast cancer survivor. I wish there was a walk to raise funds for multiple myeloma, maybe there will be in the future. But for now this is something our family can do and I hope you can help me with this cause. Thank you all.
While this is not the type of cancer my mother has, I have a cousin who found out the same day as mom was diagnosed that she has breast cancer. She has had surgery and so far has a clean bill of health. My aunt is a 30 year breast cancer survivor. I wish there was a walk to raise funds for multiple myeloma, maybe there will be in the future. But for now this is something our family can do and I hope you can help me with this cause. Thank you all.
Hey Don't Blame ME... Tony Danza is alive and well in Brooklyn
On September 11, 2003 I was at lunch with a few people from work and made the statement, "John Ritter is the worst actor ever, there really is no reason for him to still be alive." Harsh, I know. In retrospect I should not have said this and I regret my phrasing, truly regret it. I take full responsibility for what happened later that day: John Ritter died. My coworkers have blamed me ever since and, frankly, justly so. However, when Johnny Cash died the next day, September 12, 2003, they asked me what I had against him. Let the record state that I like Johnny Cash and had said nothing bad about him at all. The other day my sister asked me what I had said that killed Tony Danza a few years ago. (The bouncing ball to get to this point is humorous but too long to share; I will just say in the immortal words of Elton John: Hold Me Closer Tony Danza.) Then just today someone at work reminded me of the John Ritter debacle, as it shall ever be known, and asked me why I killed Tony Danza as well. Let me state that Tony Danza is alive as well as of this posting. And also for the record, “Ay oh Angela!” May the Brooklyn Brawler live long and prosper (that was for you Megan… 3 days until you turn 30!) My opinion was changed on John Ritter as well with the introduction of Noises Off (thank you Candice) I mean, all I am saying is, am I right Lloyd? Coming up on the 5 year anniversary of your death, may you rest in peace John Ritter. I am sorry.
Speaking of hard bouncing balls to follow.
Speaking of hard bouncing balls to follow.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Update on the Cancer
Mom got her schedule yesterday for the transplant prep. She has a schload of tests September 30 to make sure she is a candidate for the transplant. In other words they do not want to do a transplant on someone who has other health issues and would not survive the procedure. The tests take about a week to come back and then she has to meet with a team of people who talk to her about everything from who pays for what to what she can eat.
After that she gets shots that promote healthy growth of her stem cells and then the harvest begins. Her Central Line will be placed in her October 13 and she will have this for a few months probably. Then the harvest begins.
For the harvest she goes into the hospital daily to have her levels checked and when they are good they take as many of her stem cells out as they can. Once they harvest enough for probably 3 transplants they stop and schedule her actual transplant.
Right before she moves into the hospital for her tranplant she has asked us to shave her head. The thing she really does not want is to be standing in the shower one day and have her hair fall out. The doctor has told her that it WILL happen. The girls went shopping for scarves to make for her before that. I am sad she will miss Halloween at home. She does love the holidays!!
So that is the update for now. Many ask for it, so I decided to give one every once and a while!
After that she gets shots that promote healthy growth of her stem cells and then the harvest begins. Her Central Line will be placed in her October 13 and she will have this for a few months probably. Then the harvest begins.
For the harvest she goes into the hospital daily to have her levels checked and when they are good they take as many of her stem cells out as they can. Once they harvest enough for probably 3 transplants they stop and schedule her actual transplant.
Right before she moves into the hospital for her tranplant she has asked us to shave her head. The thing she really does not want is to be standing in the shower one day and have her hair fall out. The doctor has told her that it WILL happen. The girls went shopping for scarves to make for her before that. I am sad she will miss Halloween at home. She does love the holidays!!
So that is the update for now. Many ask for it, so I decided to give one every once and a while!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Here's a Story...
You have asked and here is the story… I took some time to heal after the trauma of it all. The other day I was invited to a friend’s home for dinner. She is a single mother and has 3 children. The oldest girl invited a boy to the home for dinner as well. This family lives down in Saratoga Springs Utah, which is right by Camp Williams. The daughter told us before the boy arrived that he was training at Camp Williams in communication. Apparently this was a secret.
We were waiting for dinner and my friend asked him if he spoke a foreign language and could tell us how to say cancer sucks in it. He knew Arabic and figured out how to say it and wrote it out for me. I asked him how he knew Arabic and he refused to answer. So I said jokingly, “Is it one of those instances where you could tell me but you would have to kill me?” We all kind of chuckled, all but him. He gets this look in his eye and says, “Yes actually it is.” Our chuckle turned to nervous laughter seeing the look in his eye.
During dinner one of the other kids said something to which this soldier replied, “I could kill you all you know and make it look like an accident.” Then he got this far off look in his eyes and said, “I wonder how I would do it.” He then proceeded to really take in his surroundings and it looked like he was really deciding how he would kill us if we said something wrong. Everyone at the table was super nervous after this.
The son of my friend asked us all if we would like to go down stairs and play Rock Band together. On the way down the hall I passed by their 3 dogs that were playing kind of rough with one another. The biggest of the dogs turned on me when I was passing and snapped at my leg. He did not break my skin, but ripped my pants and I have a bruise where he snapped. The family took him outside right away and did the whole, “Bad dog, bad dog” thing that pet owners do when pets do something wrong. The family then apologized for the dog telling me that he is mentally retarded and had just started snapping lately without provocation. I wonder why anyone would keep a mentally retarded dog? But then I am not a pet person. Still if that mentally retarded dog snaps at a child or breaks the skin of the next person…
Once we got down stairs the soldier had one more moment where he did again threaten our lives. The son had finally had enough and told him that he was tired of the erroneous threats and that he was not so tough just because he was in the army and asked him to stop it and just have fun with the family. This soldier I think was taken aback and said, “Well she blew my cover.” Okay let me just say that if you live by Camp Williams and have a super short hair cut like you just got out of basic training most people are going to see through your “cover.” Also who cares about your cover story? What terrorist am I going to tell where to find you? Please!!
So the night was almost over, or so I thought. I had driven the eldest daughter down because she lives in Salt Lake and was waiting for her to be ready to leave. She had not told me that she was spending the night at her mom’s. So finally I asked her at 12:40 or so if she was getting ready to go home which is when she told me she was staying and I drove home alone that night… Good story, no?
We were waiting for dinner and my friend asked him if he spoke a foreign language and could tell us how to say cancer sucks in it. He knew Arabic and figured out how to say it and wrote it out for me. I asked him how he knew Arabic and he refused to answer. So I said jokingly, “Is it one of those instances where you could tell me but you would have to kill me?” We all kind of chuckled, all but him. He gets this look in his eye and says, “Yes actually it is.” Our chuckle turned to nervous laughter seeing the look in his eye.
During dinner one of the other kids said something to which this soldier replied, “I could kill you all you know and make it look like an accident.” Then he got this far off look in his eyes and said, “I wonder how I would do it.” He then proceeded to really take in his surroundings and it looked like he was really deciding how he would kill us if we said something wrong. Everyone at the table was super nervous after this.
The son of my friend asked us all if we would like to go down stairs and play Rock Band together. On the way down the hall I passed by their 3 dogs that were playing kind of rough with one another. The biggest of the dogs turned on me when I was passing and snapped at my leg. He did not break my skin, but ripped my pants and I have a bruise where he snapped. The family took him outside right away and did the whole, “Bad dog, bad dog” thing that pet owners do when pets do something wrong. The family then apologized for the dog telling me that he is mentally retarded and had just started snapping lately without provocation. I wonder why anyone would keep a mentally retarded dog? But then I am not a pet person. Still if that mentally retarded dog snaps at a child or breaks the skin of the next person…
Once we got down stairs the soldier had one more moment where he did again threaten our lives. The son had finally had enough and told him that he was tired of the erroneous threats and that he was not so tough just because he was in the army and asked him to stop it and just have fun with the family. This soldier I think was taken aback and said, “Well she blew my cover.” Okay let me just say that if you live by Camp Williams and have a super short hair cut like you just got out of basic training most people are going to see through your “cover.” Also who cares about your cover story? What terrorist am I going to tell where to find you? Please!!
So the night was almost over, or so I thought. I had driven the eldest daughter down because she lives in Salt Lake and was waiting for her to be ready to leave. She had not told me that she was spending the night at her mom’s. So finally I asked her at 12:40 or so if she was getting ready to go home which is when she told me she was staying and I drove home alone that night… Good story, no?
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