Thursday, October 6, 2011

Questions of the Day ... That Need No Answers

Why does going to the dentist suck even if you have no cavities?

Why does a cackle laugh annoy me when anyone but Bert and Ernie does it?

Is it wrong, as a person who hates surprises, to be planning a surprise for someone else?

Is it wrong to celebrate loosing 8 pounds last week if I did it because I had a stomach bug?

How cool is Ben Davis? Follow up question: Could he be more inspiring? Follow up question: I wonder why he weighs in with one sock on his right foot?

Could stripping wallpaper suck any more?

Could my Mom be more annoyed that I just used the word 'suck' twice this post?

How annoying is to ALWAYS loose at Words with Friends to the same people?

Could Grey's Anatomy be any cooler and slightly more inappropriate for this young LDS woman?

How much does paying a mortgage and not living in the house suck? (rhetorical, it sucks SO much)

Could I love ambien any more right now?

How sad am I that I had to give up teaching Musical Dance Theater classes?

Could I be more sick of eating chicken soup? Follow up question: How great is Jello?

How timely is the release of the new iPhone? (My old phone is dying a not so slow death. Upgrade)

How much did I snort when I logged on to FB today and saw a wall post from a teenager that said "Who is Steve Jobs?"

How old do I feel that the boys I nannied for are now a senior and freshman in college?

Who has two thumbs and is excited to paint this weekend?!?! (This girl)

Who is asking too many questions today?


Preds Girl said...

lol. honest to goodness, you crack me up!


Miss Megan said...

Q: Who also loves Greys Anatomy and is super excited to see you this weekend?

A: ME!!!!