Monday, February 8, 2010


The place that I work at is interesting. I am happy to have a job and this is NOT a complaining post. I just feel to babble. I work for a small company with 2 locations. There are 15 employees; 4 women, 11 men. The majority of these men are hunters or golfers. At any given time I can walk into an office of a coworker and find a gun (usually unloaded) or the head of whatever animal was recently shot. I do not like guns, in fact I am terrified of them, so the guys are pretty good at keeping the guns put away. Recently I sat down at a desk to help one of the guys and was mortified to find sitting next to the computer mouse a set of elk teeth; I was later told they are not teeth but rather ivory... calling them ivory does not make it any less gross! The perk? They share the elk or deer meet and usually it is so good. (Yes Julie S, even though elk have a face!) 4 of the men have boats. It would be fun to have a company boating party ... but I do not want to do the paperwork in case of an accident so I do not suggest it. I have been on a fishing excursion once with 3 of my other coworkers, that was fun. In the summer months it is harder to find the men in the office because they like to go hit a bucket of golf balls; since we are all salaried employees with the exception of the two part-time, no one says much. Last year I decided I was sick of the guys getting time off for golf tournaments or to hit buckets of balls so I bought a set of golf clubs. I suck at golf! My bosses have set up a very relaxed working environment and basically all that is required of us is to get our work done on time. I like this environment for the most part. I get to wear jeans when I want to and rarely have to dress up (the exception is when we have a big client or factory rep visiting.) We do not have a policy and procedure book or a dress code. This sometimes comes back to bite the company in the butt. I like showtunes and admit to sometimes singing them at work. I think we all know that in my reality people should break into song and dance when they feel like it, or when the moment allows, or when changing toilet paper (come on, you know you just stopped to think about a good "changing the tp song!) I admit to not having the best voice, though I can sing... oh yes, I can sing. My coworkers have given me one day a week in which to break out into song as I will. We call it Showtune Monday. Another of my coworkers likes the oldies and is allowed to blare his music on Wednesdays in the warehouse. I like to sing along sometimes, and since he typically does not play showtunes back there, I have a loophole in which to sing twice a week. Last year for my birthday one of my coworkers made me a delicious cake. He is no longer dating the girl from last year so my guess is that he is not taking a fun class to impress anyone so I will not reap the benefit from it. If I had to choose I would like him to take a sushi class next. I like sushi. We have a rule at work where for our birthday we bring in a treat ... I usually take eclairs but I think this year I might bring root beer floats. My office is quiet right now. Two of the ladies are not at work today. One is not here because she only works Wednesday - Friday; the other ... well honestly I do not know where she is. Most of the salesmen are out of the office right now and I am caught up on my work. Makes the next 2 hours seem might long! I have an office to myself off the main office where two of the ladies share the reception area. I would like to remodel this area but since it is not mine, I keep quiet. I just find the current layout inefficient and kind of messy. In my remodel plan no cords would show behind the new office furniture because the two ladies would each have their own cubicle area. Right now their desks are just out in the middle of the room. Our office has a bunch of art hanging. I like this. It makes the office seem a bit more inviting and less sterile. The art I have chosen for my office is not what I would choose for my home, but it is still very nice. Why am I still talking?


Mandy said...

I like to hear you talk.

Unknown said...

The toilet paper song for this episode will be written by the 'Wipe Stripes.'