Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 31

Yesterday was transplant day 31, over a month ago Mom had her bone marrow transplant. Crazy to think she has been home for over 2 weeks now. I admit they have been a busy couple of weeks in our home.

But yesterday was a big day. Mom went back to LDS Hospital to have her central line removed and was officially released back to her normal oncologist. Dr P at LDS told mom she could be a little less restrictive with her daily activities. She still needs to wear her pig mask around when she is in crowds, but can go outside for a walk without it. She can go out to eat at a restaurant but cannot have salads and would have to ask her server to please bring her food out right after it is cooked. This lessens the likelihood of contamination from various microbial elements. She goes back at 100 days to see if she is in remission. Some lists of do nots include: clean the house, be around sick people, very large crowds, and do not do not do not underestimate the cleanliness of ones hands; also she still has to live upstairs because it gets too cold downstairs.

Dr P told her that they think everything went according to plan and they expect her to be in remission for at least 3 years. Sometimes they are able to see a longer remission, though.

Over the past 2 weeks mom has been able to do many things and she says her strength is back about 65% which is good. She has done the dishes a few times and done some laundry. She takes walks outside, but now that it is really turning cold I am not sure how well she will do. We went shopping for the first time in months (for her) to Target to get some Christmas and Birthday presents for the little ones; I was a mess because they did not have cart wipes; Note to stores: INVEST IN CART WIPES. Then Sister took her to the fabric store where they did not have carts at all. She has discoverd the germ free convenience of shopping online. Mom also has had her first cold, sort of. She feels under the weather still, but the doctors told her she could take something for it now. Also her blood pressure which has been an issue since the chemo is down to normal ranges again. I have had to change her central line dressing daily, and I will not miss that at all. I was always afraid of taking it out or hurting her. I did hurt her more than once and telling her to just "suck it up" was really mean. Last week she was craving pizza but could not have take out yet. So the Brothers told her that they would make pizza for her on Sunday. They each took a different assignment and it was wonderful. They even got pork-free sausage and pepperoni so I could eat everything.

Mom started losing her hair the day before she was released from the hospital (Day 13) and now it is almost all gone. She still has her eyebrows and eyelashes. Must be nice to not have to shave for months!! (This is me looking on the bright side of chemo.) The rest of us, sans my oldest brother who is shaving still by choice, have a bit of hair again. Dad is even growing back that mustache that he loves so much.

Well that is all I can think of writing. Things could not be going better for Mom! Thanks again for all who have been keeping her in prayers, donating blood or plasma, sending cards or silly gifts, calling her, calling me, and the kind thoughts. We needed them and it is nice to have support. Love!!!


Mandee Lue said...

Glad to hear mom has less restrictions, and is doing so well! That is always wonderful. You are such a blessing - I'm glad you live your life like you believe that, too. Love you, Steph!!

This Place is a Disaster! said...

Yeh, speaking of shaving legs. Remember that one time you tried to guilt me in to shaving my legs by comparing me to Marjorie Hickley! As though I was going to go to hell for not shaving my legs!! So, I still don't, and I have a temple recommend too!!
Further more, remember that one time we had Chinese and you said, "is this pork or beef." and I'm all, "I think it's beef." Then you tasted it and quickly ran to your room and barfed up everything and came out like it was nothing that you had alomost killed yourself thanks to Sister Pearson's stupidity. Yeh, I now can taste the difference between pork and beef, where as before - not so much!

Amy Maida Wadsworth said...

This is great news! Keep it coming! I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving!

Caroline said...

Glad mom is home and doing well. Love you guys!