Friday, July 9, 2010

A Stereotyping Post

I am in a production of Joseph (oh you'll hear much more about it in the next few weeks I am sure) and for my part I got to dye my hair. No not red and it is not in a mullet... It is blonde. This week I have been so ditsy. Now I know it is not because I am a blonde, I have good friends who are blonde and very intelligent but I think it is ironic (not literally ironic Sister, more culturally ironic) that now that I have blonde hair...

Okay so examples:
  • On the day my hair was colored I almost made a mistake that would have cost our firm $100,000. That is a pretty big chunk of change!!
  • I just sat here at my desk typing a quote and could not figure out why it was not working... well because I kept hitting the tab key instead of the enter key. Yes I know they are the opposite sides of the keyboard.
  • Last night at dress rehearsal for Birdie (WE OPEN TONIGHT!!!) I stood by the sound board for 10 minutes trying to figure out why one mic was not working. Helps if you take the mute button OFF!
Oh I struggle this week. I know it is because it is tech week and I have been running on fewer hours of sleep than usual. But now that I am blonde I can blame it on that, right?

Birdie does open tonight, tomorrow July 10 there will be an oldies car show before the performance from 5:30 - 7:30. Admission to the car show is free. For ticket info please visit


Rach said...

Pictures. That's all I'm gonna say.

Miss Megan said...

Isn't it fun to have something to blame those lapses in judgement on? I bet you look stunning!

And I second the request for photos.