Friday, July 16, 2010

It's Normal, Right?

Squitch invited me to a wonderful concert tonight (or technically last night since it is very early the next morning) which I shall take the proper time to give details about later. On our way home she told me that one of my favorite little actresses, Zooey Deschanel, was coming in concert with her band She and Him sometime this summer to SLC. Of course I had to check it out (Aug 26). Well in checking it out I ran across a video of theirs that I thought seemed perfectly normal... in my world people randomly break into song and dance about things like crushes or break ups, and these dance moves seem very common place in my world... yours?

If only this concert were not on a Thursday night!


This Place is a Disaster! said...

I love Zooey!

Caroline said...

Katey and Morgan are going to it. You should go with and call in sick. Of course, He would know the truth.