Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Vaca Week

I leave this week for my big weekend in Boulder. If you are anything like me you tend to get rather snarky vacation week. I am caught up at work, in fact it is rather slow right now, so today in an attempt to not bite anyone's head off I brought in my newest project: The 5 row Rubix Cube. Brother taught me to do the 3 row, I taught Sister, she taught Younger. Well Sister learned this one faster than I did (overachiever!) but it was good for me, because she sent me the missing solving piece via Google Chat! (I love technology)

I normally would feel bad about sitting at my desk and playing a game, but my boss thought it was cool I was even trying to solve it! :)


Colleen said...

I'm not really an overachiever here... I still haven't solved it completely - I just remembered the middle step you were missing.

So, you are still my Jedi Master, me, a lowly padawan learner.

Miss Megan said...

Have fun on your trip, Steph! Please be safe!

Stephanie said...

Have a blast!

Perhaps you could share your impeccable talents and skills, oh Mighty Fast Swimmer. I seriously can barely figure out how to do one side of the three rowed cubes... you are the MASTER!