Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mary Poppins meets Utah

My girls and I went to see Mary Poppins last night at the Capitol Theater for our season ticket night. I was riveted! There were times I looked over at Sister and said "That just happened!" I will not give spoilers here because it is playing in Utah for 2+ more weeks. RUN!! Do not walk to get tickets. RUN to get them if you can. Or just click HERE. I am not kidding you! This show was brilliant. I had only two complaints ... and one was under 4 feet so I do not know if I can ethically slam his performance and really no one else would mind the shotty spot job like I did! :) The following things made my jaw drop: the sets, the lights, the props, the choreography, the flying, Mary Poppins and Bert, the sets, the lights, the props, the choreography, the flying, and the flying. I love that I already had tickets to see it again (I sometimes do that when a good show is coming to Utah because I do not get to New York, Chicago, LA or Seattle as often as I would like to to see good theater.)

I was like a kid again watching the movie for the first time. I wanted to feed the birds. I wanted to Step In Time. I wanted to learn to spell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious again. I wanted to run on stage and play with the carpet bag. I wanted to go up to the booth and teach whoever was spotting Mrs. Banks how to not cut off her head. I wanted to sing along. I wanted to get up and dance on every single bit of that stage. And I mean EVERY bit of that stage! My jaw dropped at one specific part with Bert's dancing. Jaw dropped. It was practically perfect ... in every way. 

So what am I saying? Loved it. Go. See it if you can. I do not think you will be disappointed!! 


Larissa said...

Me too, Me Too!!!!
I am going again on Sunday!

jkribbit said...

Oh yay! I have tickets to Saturday's matinee. I can't wait to see it! :)

Bekah said...