Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Special Call and Other Election Tidbits

  • Did you have the President of the United States specifically ask someone to call you yesterday and ask you to vote? Hm?? No?? I guess I did. I was not there to take the call, because that would have been cool, but it was nice to know President Obama still cares about his old pal in Utah! I am sure he would have called himself, but he must have had a busy day or something.

  • I told Dad he should just not vote today because our votes just cancel each others out so really Mom is the only one who really needs to worry about voting. I do not think he bought it ... I am pretty sure he saw through my plot there.

  • For the first time in my history I am sad it is Election Day. Those really fun Utah Voter ads are going to stop. I am going to miss that funny couple talking about election stuff. (You are going to receive texts about elections? Yes, I can text. Oh really? LOL. I do not even know what that means. Uh-huh.) I finally found out their names are Jake and Julie Suazo and they get my vote ... for coolest couple of the year.

  • Election day has magical juju for me. I was balancing the bank statement at work and was off by a mere $62,000. (chump change, right?) Well I found $20,000 of it pretty quickly and asked Besty if she could magically help me find the other $42,000. I opened the election site to look at the amendments one more time and between both Besty and Election juju I found it. That must mean my candidates are going to win!

  • There is one political figure that scares me a little right now. I finally figured out what my issue is with her. It is not her policy, everyone is entitled to their own views of the issues; it is not her voracious attack of things she is against; it is her actual voice. Besty used have this eye twitch when she heard someone sing a bad note. I now have that eye twitch when this political figure is on tv.

  • Do I need to encourage you to vote? I can, I can encourage. I believe strongly in the right of every US citizen to be involved in choosing the leadership. I believe that on Election Day our voice is carried out through our decision of who to vote for. So vote, if you want your voice heard.

  • I wore my lucky election shirt today. It is not really a shirt about elections, it is just the shirt I have worn on the last few Election Days. I have a lucky election shirt and good election juju. In the immortal words of Michael Scott "I am not superstitious, just a little stitious."

1 comment:

Preds Girl said...

I am still laughing my face off about the Michael Scott quote. I LOVE THAT LINE!!!

And, I love that you are so passionate about elections. Cool!