Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

I was able to attend a Memorial Day concert/program yesterday because I am on the Arts Council in my community. Back story? Okay. I do not love visiting the graves of my ancestors who have passed; first I do not think they are hanging out at their graves waiting for us to come visit, and I think I can do more to honor them by how I live, not by visiting their graves one day a year. Same with Mother's Day, why only honor my Mom one day a year? See what I am saying? That being said, what a wonderful program. I learned that Memorial Day started in Civil War times, and turned into more than just honoring our fallen soldiers. Today we honor all of our beloved dead in addition to the fallen military and those currently serving. The Mayor invited a young woman who was waiting to report to boot camp as a Marine to stand with her as she gave her remarks. She was quiet, stood stiff and somber, was what I picture a nice young recruit as. This individual was not drafted, she volunteered in times of war to join the military and serve her country so I can enjoy the freedoms I have today. It is that kind of service we honor on Memorial Day... but I submit we should not limit it to Memorial Day only, but rather we should honor their service year round. We should not honor only the fallen, we should honor and support those who faithfully serve currently on active or reserve duty and their families. Of course each of us will honor them differently: a prayer, a meal, a smile, taking our democratic right to vote or not, or even enlist in the military as well. But honor them I think we must.

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