Friday, May 28, 2010

Thanks Sista P

When I lived in Chicago I really had a great time getting to know the Sister Missionaries who were serving the LDS Church at the time. There were a few that I got to know better than others. There are some I still keep in contact with thanks to the world wide interweb.

Well thanks to the world wide interweb today, Melissa (as once Sister Pearson) read about my day, and (gulp!!) brought brownies to me work. How great is she?! I tell you what, at 3 today when we hit our first real hurdle of inventory and I downed one ooey gooey yummy chocolatey brownie ... I tell you what it all fell into place right after that. It was like the brownies contained magic powers! So a heartfelt thanks Sister P! I will indeed pay it forward one day. But, how did you know where I work?

BTW, it also helped when one of my coworkers yelled at me for no good reason. I knew I had brownies if need be! Magic brownies!

1 comment:

This Place is a Disaster! said...

I hope they were good, I got them from Granite Bakery and have never shopped there before!
I know where you work - I used to work for Shamrock, remember!!!