Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Program

When I was growing up my Grams had her "shows". These were the soap operas that she would watch daily. I admit to knowing 'Days' pretty well when I was younger. I was home-bound, in bed, recovering from getting a new roof recently so had some time to find a new program.

I always have been a bit of a nerd when it comes to space, the final frontier. I grew up in a home where Star Trek and Star Wars were watched, quoted, and revered. I remember where I was the day of both the Challenger and Columbia accidents and always wanted to see a shuttle launch; I missed out on that one. So when I stumbled across NASA TV, I thought I had died and gone to heaven ... not literally died ... but you get my meaning.

NASA has its own tv channel (212 on Dish). All day, all night, NASA. I watched this program day and night for a few days. Not much happened, but the sights were AMAZING! The obvious star of the show was the space station and shuttle. (I know, nerd, much?) But there was this one supporting character that cracked me up. Sandy Magnus made me giggle so often, a painful experience with shingles, that she is my new favorite astronaut. (What do you mean you do not have a favorite astronaut?!) The episode where she found the socks she had left on the space station was epic!! Oh and then the episode where they were transferring supplies from the shuttle to the station and she would fly past the camera doing flips and twists. Oh my goodness, I laughed. I actually hit rewind a few times to watch her. Oh and the episode where they were interviewing the astronauts and she let her hair fly? Classic.

I was worried that once the shuttle program was over that they would turn off NASA tv, but they did not. They are replaying old episodes right now. I highly recommend. I mean the NASA tv is the recommendation, not getting shingles. I would highly recommend never getting shingles, because it hurts ... and itches ... and hurts ... and itches some more.

So if you missed my program, here are some great images from the show.


Miss Megan said...

Dear Sassy,

Thank you for writing this blog post. It made me laugh, and I really needed to laugh today. I wish I still had cable just so I could check out NASA tv and see what you're talking about!

Also, I miss you. Please can we go on vacation together in the fall?

Love, your Megs

Preds Girl said...

This post made me laugh, too! hahaha. I loved how you referred to your shingles as getting a new roof. lol. Hope you're feeling better!