Saturday, July 2, 2011

Being followed

So this guy I know recently told me he was following me. It honestly took me a minute to figure out what he meant. See, call me old fashioned, but in my day when a guy says he is following you it meant you had a crazy stalker who physically followed you around everywhere you went and waited outside your window to look in and asked your mission companion if he could have your hand in marriage so the mission president had to transfer you out of the area literally at midnight. It did not meant that you clicked a button on the internets to see what said person was up to and then 'like' what they are doing. But my good friend D, apparently follows me!! (Hey D!! I totally talk about you and your brother here sometimes!!)

One day I will have to have someone explain to me about Twitter. I am not a Twit (?!) yet and have never tweeted. But I do the blog and the facebook on the internets and apparently I am being followed. I kind of had a stalker once in real life in case that was not obvious, story for another day, so this is like good clean, free therapy to get over being followed, I guess!

I do not have one of those phones that is smarter than me, I am still smarter than my phone ... I think. I am waiting to upgrade to see if maybe Apple is going to release a new iPhone in September or something before I get a smart phone. Right now my phone would be average, not dumb, but average.

Have you ever heard someone utter this phrase "What did we ever do before the internet?" Well I will tell you what we did before Al Gore invented the world wide interweb. We picked up our rotary to make a phone call. We looked in the newspaper to see what time a show was playing, and then we washed the black residue off of our fingers. When you had a research project to do you had to go to the library to look in their reference books. We picked up our stationary and pens to write a letter to someone, and then licked the envelope and stamp to mail it. A tweet was the sound a bird made. If someone was "sick of being sick" or "tired of being tired" it was not broadcast for all their friends to see. And telling someone you were following them could land you in hot water with the police.

I am not saying I want to go back to those days ... ever. No, no. The internets are for me!! So follow me, blog stalk me, tweet, and like!! I am all in, baby!! All in!


Fluffy Momma said...

I'd follow you, your blog, your cankles, and your eyes anywhere love. And not just on the internets... was that too creepy? Nah. I know you liked it.

Larissa said...

I've already been following you *cue creeper music*

miss kristen said...

I'll follow you anywhere baby...

That story sounds...AHEM...interesting do tell later.

That and your Facebook rule--you know which one I'm talking about.

Peggy said...

LOVAYOU. Missayou. If stalking you is wrong, I don't want to be right. LOL.