Tuesday, May 18, 2010


We take a small break from the vacation postings and photos for this small reflective post:

As a result of my recent run in with flight delays on account of the volcano in Iceland I have been thinking a lot about volcanic activity of late. I have been reminded of the eruption of Mount St. Helens 30 years ago. (Can you believe it has been 30 years?!) and I stumbled on a photo site that has some really great images of the eruption like this one:

The photo site is here.
There is an interesting article here.

My family lived in Western Washington at the time this erupted and I remember some things from that day. It was a Sunday, I remember getting ready for church, and I remember ash. The winds blew most of the ash the other direction from us, but we still had some ash fall on our lawn that we collected in little containers. I was 4 at the time, and while I do not have vivid recollections I do recall being scared because people had died as a result of St. Helens and they were not too far from our house. Mount St. Helens erupting is one of the first memories I have along will falling off my bike when I was 5 and picking blackberries only to have them stolen by some older girls.


This Place is a Disaster! said...

WOW! Here in UT we just worry about an earth quake. There are so many different ways taht members of the church need preparedness. Every geographical area faces different possibilities of calmity and destruction.

HPLuvr said...

I had no idea that people from our group got caught up in volcano backlash!! Glad to know that you made it home safely. BTW I still have in my luggage a pickpocketers wallet. No takers.