Thursday, December 18, 2008

Too Organized?!?!

I never thought I would say this (and my planner is weeping in the corner) but this morning I decided I am too organized sometimes. I am not talking about my room, mind you (my mother chuckles) but my life over all. So here is the deal. I love to be organized, to be in charge, and to be informed of what is going on at all times; I do not like surprises. This week I received news that some early information I was given about school and my graduation dates were wrong. Sad sad me. When things like this happen I get into hyper organization mode and my desk and office usually thank me for it. So this week I have had to come up with a new game plan to finish 21 elective credits in school to complete in time to graduate in June as planned. Well this morning I was in the shower ... wait before I go on, do not me alarmed, I shall not be too graphic, I laugh now at how amusing I feel this is ... and I typically soap my body and rinse, then wash my hair, then wash my face and rinse again. Well as I was rinsing off my hair I actually had this thought: "If you wash your hair first, then wash your body, and lastly wash your face you will only have to rinse off one time thus alleviating the cross contamination washing your hair might have on your already clean body and you can probably save time in the shower." Shame on me!! I love a good hot shower and I was actually trying to organize how I can be more effective in the shower and cut time. That being said, events of this day have required me to shower 3 times (don't ask) and the last time I just stood under the hot water and wasted as much time as I could!

Dear shower I will never try to organize you again!


jkribbit said...

Do you know how much I love you? You are awesome, this post is awesome, everything about you is awesome. Sorry you had to shower 3 much as I love hot showers too (especially when I'm blasting Christmas music), I'm guessing that whatever made you have to shower 3 times was no fun at all. Also, sorry about the graduation trauma! Hang in there! I am so proud of you!!

Erica said...

You mean that means I organize too much?? And here I was thinking I did a very effective shower. Not that I don't take my time now and again though. :^)

Caroline said...

Organizing your shower? You need a break! Good luck with all your work to get gradumacated this June. Let me know if you need some help!

Kelli said...

I miss you.