Thursday, December 11, 2008

Cute Cute Cute

Alright so I have been saying it for a year now (since tomorrow is A's 1st Birthday) I have the cutest nieces!! The other day they were both over playing at our house. When Co was taking L home, A leaned over to give L a kiss goodbye. So cute!! Well Aunt Kate being the great photographer she is grabbed her camera and snapped this shot. It is rediculous how cute it is!! It makes me smile like this...


Stephanie said...

Simply adorable!

jkribbit said...

They are absolutely adorable!

In other, totally unrelated news: I found another cheese at the specialty cheese counter at Harmons that I am in love with. It's called Agour and it's from France. Good stuff. Just thought I'd share...

Johnson Family said...

YAAY! They are quite adorable!!