The oddest thing happened to me today. I am still trying to wrap my head around it. I have a full day today: my family was assigned to clean the church this morning, I had to come in to work to get a jump on the crazy upcoming week, then I am meeting a dear friend to go see a show we are both super excited about, dinner with same friend, then home to plan a lesson for church tomorrow.
So since the day was crazy I grabbed the breakfast of champions on the way out the door on the way to church ... it was a pop-tart. I bet you thought I was going to say cold pizza, common mistake when I say breakfast of champions. My assignment at church this morning was to vacuum. So the pop-tarts were unopened in their wrapper in my purse which I hung up by the primary room. I started the vacuuming there and went to the other end. When I was done I grabbed my purse and drove to work. When I got to my desk I reached into my purse to grab my breakfast. Instead of grabbing the pop-tarts I grabbed an empty pop-tart wrapper.
I emptied my purse thinking it was odd and maybe the wrapper had burst open and my pop-tart was in my bag. I pulled out my wallet (still full of money and credit cards), my cell phone, my iPod, my iPad, and misc papers. All there. But my pop-tarts were gone. I am 100% convinced that I did not eat them because I still had a full thermos of milk. (really one should not eat pop-tarts without milk!) It is the oddest thing.
I honestly do not even have a crazy explanation for how it could have happened. Including me, there were 6 people at the church today. I can pretty much guarantee my folks did not eat my pop-tarts, and why would anyone look in a purse that had an iPad, iPod, and a wallet full of money and credit cards and have eyes only for pop-tarts? Furthermore I ask why would someone eat random pop-tarts found in a random purse and PUT THE WRAPPER BACK?!
From the bottom of my heart I am convinced whoever took the pop-tarts needed them more than I did and I just wonder if I should deduct that from my offering next month (bazinga). But I tell you this much, I will never look at a pop-tart the same way ... or vacuuming the church ... Oddest thing ... Ironically? The lesson I am teaching tomorrow is on honesty.