Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Silver Lining?

The sucky news is that 2 of my brothers were laid off on Monday afternoon. The reasoning was stupid (because they were the highest paid employees in that department and the company needed to make cut backs. Don't get me started on how dumb it is to let your experienced workers go just to cut costs... don't get me started) and both of them were understandably upset. However what amazed me about these two good men I get to call Brother, is that they were able to put aside being upset and find silver lining in it all. How? I do not know because frankly I might be more upset than they are!

A few days ago LoMo was at my house and she had spilled some milk on the floor, slipped on it and started to cry. What could I do but make a joke telling her there is no use crying over spilled milk (yes I know she is only 18 months and did not get it) but then I realized that the old adage is true. There really is no use crying over spilled milk; when bad things happen we really can look for and find the silver lining in situations. Getting upset or depressed does no one any good. Again, it is all in how we choose to react.

Everything happens… don’t say for a reason… no I am just saying that everything happens (shout out to Dr. Horrible.)

However that being said: if you know of any employment opportunities Barry was a manager/trainer/business analyst or Everett is one of those IT geeks we all know and love. If you know of anything let me know!


Rach said...

I don't personally know of any jobs, but my Bishop sends out an email every week with a ton of job listings in it. Do you want me to forward it on to you?

Unknown said...

i dont have any job opportunities, however i do have experience! when jon was laid off it was scarey. when he started his buisness things were and still are pretty s..l...o...w. however i can say that it was truly one of the best things that has happened for us. jon is able to be more a part of our family. when he worked he worked all the time. gone before the kids were up and home for an hour before bedtime. that said, i know we are being blessed financially. more work is coming in and even though we have to be careful things are taken care of. i know that the Lord is blessing and watching over us and we have grown a lot.