Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Family is...

Family (n): a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head; a group of persons of common ancestry.

Anyone else find these definitions lacking? Family is much much more than this.

Family is knowing you can count on the people you need the most when you need them the most.

Family is sacrificing a week with your spouse to help remodel your parent’s home.

Family is knowing when your sister is joking when her comeback to everything is “So’s your face.”

Family is cooking dinner every night for your sister’s family who is remodeling their house.

Family is doing something wrong, saying you’re sorry, and moving on.

Family is the sister who admits her daughter is super cute… because she looks just like her aunt.

Family is picking up a conversation with someone you have not seen in a long time as if you saw them yesterday.

Family is a smile.

Family is knowing you sometimes just need to cry.

Family is listening, and not judging.

Family is trying to fix the pain of someone else.

Family is your best friend’s mom who gives you an open invitation for Sunday dinner.

Family is unconditional love.

Family is being the one to step up and call your brother’s boss a bad word for laying him off.

Family is staying up all night with the sister who is going in for a sleep test the next day.

Family is being patient when you are asked to do something you do not want to do.

Family is knowing when to just sit and be quiet.

Family is noise.

Family is Saturday morning pancakes.

Family is understanding you are going to miss a 2nd birthday and Mother’s Day because you are going on a cruise.

Family is the helping hand when times get tough.

Family is putting a bow in your nephew’s hair just to see how your brother will react.

Family is a Democrat living in the home of a Republican.

Family is game night… all night.

Family is reading a book to the niece who likes to turn the pages before you are done.

Family is kisses, even the elephant ones.

Family is being honest enough to say “Yes that outfit does make you look fat.”

Family is acceptance.

Family is letting your wife’s best friend move in for a week because she is allergic to her house.

Family is never keeping track of whose turn it is to pay for dinner.

Family is singing at the top of your lungs with your sister in law to Mamma Mia.

Family is …

Sometimes your family includes biological and adopted people in equal balance. Family is much much more than a group of individuals who live under one roof or those who share a common ancestry.

And I have the best family ever!


Preds Girl said...

I am going to copy it on my blog...

grandma glo said...

You are right. Family is all of those things and more and you are part of the best. Thanks for making me cry again. I love you.

Johnson Family said...

To cute! So true!

Colleen said...

Sometimes you make me cry with happiness. Other times I cry because I'm supposed to be the one with word skills, and I can't say things as well as you. Sometimes both.

Steph said...

Sometimes Colleen, I think you cry because you know it is true, Kelsey is super cute because she looks like me... and I am frakking adorable! (wow you could almost take that conceit and cash it at the bank!)