Monday, November 23, 2009

Christmas Boutique

Each year I host a Boutique at my house for Christmas and it is a blast. We started it about 5 years ago as a tribute to Grams who for years had one in her home. This year we have changed it up a bit adding The Busy Bean, Kate Johnson Photography, Story Book Beginnings and The Christmas Bakery.

I no longer sell Pampered Chef myself, but a dear friend of mine is helping me host a catalog show, so Pampered Chef gifts will still be available to order. If you are unable to make it but need some Pampered Chef items you can visit her website and order direct: and type in host name Stephanie Johnson. I will deliver all items as soon as they arrive or, of course, you can have it shipped direct to you.

Colleen will still have some Mary Kay options, but her new business The Busy Bean has fun handmade purses and accessories to go with it. I am not a girly girl but I really really like her purses. I cannot wait for mine to be finished. Yes I will start to carry a purse!

Kate will have her mobile photo studio set up if you might still need your Christmas card photo taken. Appointments are encouraged but not required. She also can take a new headshot for any of my actor friends out there, FYI. All photos taken have a guarantee delivery date for Christmas.

My Mom and brother will be selling homemade baked goods (perfect for those teacher gifts or, if you are like me, something to get your visiting teaching done!) They have talked up the caramel apples, fudge, chocolates, etc. They are both really fine cooks, so you are in for a real treat (pun intended.)

Stephanie Maag will have her cute Story Book Beginning merchandise as well. Her little girl fairy wings and wands melt my heart. She also will have homemade headbands, flowers, and hats.

My cousin who normally joins us has a scheduling conflict, however My Tulip Garden will have a book of vinyl letting gift ideas as well and I will have her card there for you to take and order direct from her.

The whole boutique is really fun, and I hope to see you there. We do it rain, snow, or shine (although the snow years tend to be not as well attended) and this year our house has just been remodeled and there is a ton more room.

Friday, November 20, 2009

A confession ... straight from my heart

This may come as a shock to some, but I am not a Twilight fan. Yes I did read all 4 books, yes I did see the first movie so I have a total grasp of the story and characters. No I will not see the second, third or fourth movies, no I am not on team Jacob, no I am not on team Edward, I do not drive like a Cullen, I think the name Renesmee was a really weak mash up of names, I do not go gaga over Bella’s brooding behavior, I preferred Cedric Diggory over Edward, yes I think Robert Pattinson needs a hair cut… oh I could go on and on. (Sister can I get a shout out for the nice alliteration there though?)

In short I am not a twihard… let’s face it, I am not even a twisoft. I saw a bit on the news this morning where a woman was so excited for this show she slept out in line for a week to be the first in the theater to see the show then she was so excited about it all she nearly fainted and almost missed the whole thing. Really? Like when the Beatles came to America? Have you not heard of assigned seating in the movie theaters now?

So you might be wondering why I read all 4 books if I am not a fan. I just kept hoping it would get better. I was actually angry during the entire read of book 4, and sorely disappointed with the anti-climactic ending. If I had a daughter in her teens I would not let her read this series. Sure there were good underlying messages: stay in school and do not have sex before you are married. However to not have sex before you are married because your vampire boyfriend is old fashioned is a little off the mark!

Yes I know it is fiction and there is no such thing as vampires who sparkle in the sun (as we all learned from Buffy real vampires turn to dust), but oh my Hannah Montana! I tell you what if people could be as excited about the inner workings of US Legislation as they get for fun things like Twilight and the aforementioned Hannah Montana craze… wait let me get a visual… people camping out for weeks before the passing of a new health care reform bill; getting so excited to vote in November that they almost faint. (ok that made me chuckle…)

I am just admitting for the entire world (or at least the tens of people who read this blog): I am not a fan of Twilight. Have I offended anyone with my take on it all and my admission? If there is a twihard out there who reads this blog, set me straight on what is so great about Twilight. But as for me, not so much.

Now when is the new Harry Potter movie coming out?! mmm... child... now that is a series.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Family is...

Family (n): a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head; a group of persons of common ancestry.

Anyone else find these definitions lacking? Family is much much more than this.

Family is knowing you can count on the people you need the most when you need them the most.

Family is sacrificing a week with your spouse to help remodel your parent’s home.

Family is knowing when your sister is joking when her comeback to everything is “So’s your face.”

Family is cooking dinner every night for your sister’s family who is remodeling their house.

Family is doing something wrong, saying you’re sorry, and moving on.

Family is the sister who admits her daughter is super cute… because she looks just like her aunt.

Family is picking up a conversation with someone you have not seen in a long time as if you saw them yesterday.

Family is a smile.

Family is knowing you sometimes just need to cry.

Family is listening, and not judging.

Family is trying to fix the pain of someone else.

Family is your best friend’s mom who gives you an open invitation for Sunday dinner.

Family is unconditional love.

Family is being the one to step up and call your brother’s boss a bad word for laying him off.

Family is staying up all night with the sister who is going in for a sleep test the next day.

Family is being patient when you are asked to do something you do not want to do.

Family is knowing when to just sit and be quiet.

Family is noise.

Family is Saturday morning pancakes.

Family is understanding you are going to miss a 2nd birthday and Mother’s Day because you are going on a cruise.

Family is the helping hand when times get tough.

Family is putting a bow in your nephew’s hair just to see how your brother will react.

Family is a Democrat living in the home of a Republican.

Family is game night… all night.

Family is reading a book to the niece who likes to turn the pages before you are done.

Family is kisses, even the elephant ones.

Family is being honest enough to say “Yes that outfit does make you look fat.”

Family is acceptance.

Family is letting your wife’s best friend move in for a week because she is allergic to her house.

Family is never keeping track of whose turn it is to pay for dinner.

Family is singing at the top of your lungs with your sister in law to Mamma Mia.

Family is …

Sometimes your family includes biological and adopted people in equal balance. Family is much much more than a group of individuals who live under one roof or those who share a common ancestry.

And I have the best family ever!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Note to Self...

Self, when you take a pot out of the oven the handle is going to be hot. Do not touch it. You will burn your hand in some fashion. Just because they did something like that in the Indiana Jones movie, it is not cool to do it in real life. Remember that.

Now since you have already done this twice since buying your cookware remember: Burn me once, shame on you; burn me twice, I'm an idiot. (isn't that how the saying goes?) Burn me thrice... ?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Silver Lining?

The sucky news is that 2 of my brothers were laid off on Monday afternoon. The reasoning was stupid (because they were the highest paid employees in that department and the company needed to make cut backs. Don't get me started on how dumb it is to let your experienced workers go just to cut costs... don't get me started) and both of them were understandably upset. However what amazed me about these two good men I get to call Brother, is that they were able to put aside being upset and find silver lining in it all. How? I do not know because frankly I might be more upset than they are!

A few days ago LoMo was at my house and she had spilled some milk on the floor, slipped on it and started to cry. What could I do but make a joke telling her there is no use crying over spilled milk (yes I know she is only 18 months and did not get it) but then I realized that the old adage is true. There really is no use crying over spilled milk; when bad things happen we really can look for and find the silver lining in situations. Getting upset or depressed does no one any good. Again, it is all in how we choose to react.

Everything happens… don’t say for a reason… no I am just saying that everything happens (shout out to Dr. Horrible.)

However that being said: if you know of any employment opportunities Barry was a manager/trainer/business analyst or Everett is one of those IT geeks we all know and love. If you know of anything let me know!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Busy Weekend...

It was a crazy busy weekend, which is good I guess. Saturday was spent in the never ending process of cleaning the house. Never ending because the house is being renovated so there is a never ending supply of dust and dirt. It seems like before the job of dusting is done it needs to be done again! However, my season tickets for Broadway Across America came on Saturday! I love that new ticket smell!

Then Saturday night most of the family headed down to Egypt for a party as Sister's house. I was totally going to take a pic of my costume, but before I could Mac spewed all over it. Anyway, I was Captain Hammer; Captain Hammer... Corporate Tool. Still do not know who that is? Visit Here.

Sunday we went down to Egypt again for Mac's baby blessing. Sister won contest soup with a lovely clam chowder killing my cheddar brocolli. I used to be the queen of soup... Mac of course was adorable and I had a blast playing with Sissy and LoMo and the Princesses. LB is also just learning to sit up, and loves to play with toys that make noise, so Christmas is going to be a lot of fun!!

This morning Sissy was at the house and her hair needed some help. So I helped... She is rocking that Who-Hair look!!

Actually it looks lovely now. When her hair is wet is just does the most amazing things until it dries... then it relaxes!! But Sissy and I had some fun this morning getting ready for work. I did my hair, she helped do her hair. I brushed my teeth, she brushed her teeth. I got dressed, she put on "pretty jammies" which was infact her real clothing. Kids are fun!
How was your weekend?