Monday, June 1, 2009

Apparently I Am Single Because I Am a Sissy

I found out in Sunday School yesterday that the reason I am single is because I am a sissy. Long story. I, of course, do not think the teacher was slamming singles on purpose, it was kind of funny. We were learning about premortal, mortal, and postmortal life. She made a comment that those who are not blessed to be married in this life will get the chance in the next. I made the comment that as a “single” I really am fine being single because I get to do many things that “marrieds” are not able to do. She mentioned that she often thought she was married because she is not a sissy… hm…

Anyway, I was released yesterday as the other Gospel Doctrine teacher. I have taught Sunday School for just short of 3 years and have loved it. The Bishop and I talked, though, about how hard it is teach Sunday and work with the Special Needs. So now I only have one calling (so this is what it feels like to only have one calling!) in the Regional Special Needs Ward.


Miss Megan said...

It is quite plausible that I really am single because I'm a sissy.

Enjoy just having the one calling!

This Place is a Disaster! said...

I don't think that single people are sissy's - I just think that when you get married it ends up being a lot harder than any one ever thought it would be - and so you look back at your life and think that you were not so strong then and sissy-like. But it's not that singles are sissy's, they just haven't been challenged in the ways of marriage. So to a married person who is a bit closed minded, perhaps, they may say it's sissyistic.
But really - do they have any idea the chalenges of being single? I dare say not so much.

This Place is a Disaster! said...

Further more - I think the definition of sisy is "one who runs away nor dares to try something for fear of the effort to accomplish the due said task."

Christy said...

We all know that it isn't because you are a sissy that you are single ... it is because we have yet to find a man worthy of you and the Goddess within!

Your next trip to Chicago?? We will see you and Utah at the end of September. You can find us up at Sundance for 10 days.

Kelli said...

She must have a husband like mine to make a comment like that. What a wierd thing to say. I'm sitting here wondering who this new teacher could be. How sad for the ward to have you released!! I bet you are AWESOME with the special needs ward. Let me know next time you're in Vegas.

emily, etc, etc said...

Hmmmmmm....I am not sure what I think of that. I make Scott do all the toilet plunging/de-clogging. Maybe I am a sissy too, but somehow slipped through the cracks. Or I was just really good at not acting like a sissy when we dated - hey you are good at acting.
I think it is just a strange thing to say and I can't figure out what that would mean...