Tuesday, June 2, 2009

#52 - Done

#52 - Buy two new book shelves and organize books.

I have a ton of books, well for a non-reader anyway, and they have been sitting on the floor because I did not have a place to put them. I have had my eyes on these Ikea bookcases for about 2 years now. I really like them!! My brother Everett was a really good pal and picked them up for me while he was buying his 25 bookshelves for his 1.2 million books (slight exaggeration…slight) I put them together last night ALL BY MYSELF! It took far longer than I thought it would, but I have to tell you that it feels great to have it all done. So the books on the left are church books, scripts, and scrapbooks. The books on the right are fiction, etc. The shelves are deep enough that most of the books are stacked two rows deep. This is what the western side of my bedroom looks like... the eastern side... well maybe after I chuck some clothing out of the closets I will post pics of it.

Co, notice the nice little television on the right? Want it back?

Christy, notice the clock on top of the left bookcase? I love it, it no longer works (batteries died) but I love it as much now as when you gave it to me years and years ago.

I am also currently working on #53 of my list of 101 which is “Keep bedroom/office organized and clean for an entire month”. I ask for a vote from the readers: Does this mean I have to make my bed daily? I typically do not make my bed daily, so it would be a challenge; however, I am directing a show that opens in a few weeks so I will have very little time on my hands. Discuss.


Rach said...

I don't make my bed, either. I think it's a waste of time. So, there you go. That's my vote. :)

Erica said...

Asking an organizing freak might not have been the best idea, so keep in mind how much you paid for said advice.

To me, even if the dresser is covered in stuff that needs taking care of, the room feels MUCH more managable if the bed is made. Only talking about the (almost) 9 years I've been married...I think the times the bed hasn't gotten made could be counted on one hand. Actually...even if it didn't get made before it was time to crawl back in it, it got made and then crawled into. :^)

Erica said...

Is it going to far to say that even my 4 year old is pretty good at making her own bed? ;^)

This Place is a Disaster! said...

I feel like the room is trash. Then I at least pull the covers up and in my mind, somehow, the room magically is 12 times cleaner!

Debbie said...

True, making the bed takes too much time...just pull the blankets/sheets up. It will "feel" like it's made. ;)

Trudy G. said...

Bed = focal point of the room. Made bed = illusion of a clean room.
It's just a habit that you will acquire with enough practice. Oh my, do I sound like your mother now?