Monday, December 13, 2010


So I think I am a little too stressed lately. My life is not as stressful as some, I do not have a family of my own to worry about. But I do work full-time, go to school full-time, have a busy calling (job) at church, my bedroom is a disaster zone (which stresses me more than it should), I am directing another show (why did I think that was a good idea again?!), I had to pay a large portion of tuition this semester out of my pocket which makes money seem tight, I was assigned a group in my class that is a little stressful, etc. I realized I need to do more things for me, just for me that are stress relievers. Even if it is just taking a minute to breathe deeply, I need to take some time for me.

I wrote a blog about stress a while ago, but I think it is time to revisit the topic. Any other great suggestions to relax when one is stressed?


Peggy said...

I think it would be very therapeutic to visit someone you absolutely cannot stand and then punch them in the face. It would work for me, I have a list. If you don't have a list of your own, call me and I'll give you names.

christine said...

or, if you are looking for a less violent option, (not that I don't love your idea peggy, I love it, and I love you!...please don't put me on the list...):) I like to turn on my favorite music and not think about anything. Also, my new life theory is, if you can lower your personal misery level even a little, it is amazing how much more you can deal with. For me that is silly things like, having some one else hold the baby while I get to shower, or read one chapter in my favorite book, but I am starting to find all sorts of little nice things I can do for myself that make everything else easier. It sounds like for you, spending the time to clean your room is one of those kinds of things. wow, there is my essay for the day! :) love you! hope your stress goes down soon!