Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dear Driver

Hi, remember me? I am the person in the little red car that was in front of you on the freeway during the snowy commute. Nice to meet you, I am so glad you liked me well enough to stay so close to me that you almost rear-ended me four times. You are a real pal, but I usually make someone buy me dinner a few times before they get that close to me. May I just suggest, in a super friendly way, backing off my butt a little a lot especially in snow like we are having? I am sure that your super fancy Mercedes has million dollar breaks, but my little Vibe does not. There is a reason I have left so much room between me and the car in front of me, it is just good snow manners! Now I am sure this is your first drive ever in the snow, which is the only reason I can think of for not knowing how to drive in it, so I am happy to give this advice! Driving close to the person in front of you will not get you to your destination any faster; it only causes accidents and snarky blog posts! So here is what happens tonight now that we have snow on the ground: It will be really cold and the moisture on the roads will freeze. This is important to know because it will be even harder to stop quickly in your car. Which means you should stay back from the car you are following more than you think you need to … I suggest 4 car lengths, but then I am kind of a prude! I know you like your ½ car length so this will be a stretch for you, grow as a person!

So again, super nice to meet you! Back off!

Yours, Steph

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